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Q: Intact capillaries near an injury dilate?
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What causes intact capillaries near an injury dilate leaking plasma blood cells causes the blood to clot?


Is it true that intact capillaries near an injury dilate leaking plasma blood cells and antibodies cause the blood to clot?


What do capillaries near an injury leak out causing the blood to clot?

they leak plasma

Does the pupil dilate when focusing for near vision?

no it actually constricts. :)

Are the skin veins arteries or capillaries near every cell in your body?


What is the substance that the capillaries absorb from the lungs?

The capillaries absorb oxygen at the lungs. This occurs near the alveoli.

Why are capillaries found near every cell in the body?

Substances exchanged through diffusion between blood and cells.So capillaries should be near to cells.

Why is it critical to your cells to be near capillary?

Cells need to be near capillaries because capillaries carry blood which in turn brings food/fuel to the cells and removes waste products.

Which blood vessels pass near every cell?

either veins capillaries or arteries :O

What is the direction of diffusion of gases at the capillaries near systemic cells?

oxygen out of blood, carbon dioxide into blood

What is a near-miss?

A "near miss" is some event that, while it did not result in injury, illness, or damage, had the potential to do so.

What happens to your body when it gets too hot?

Your brain recieves signals from your skin receptors that tells your brain that your temperature is too hot. You produce sweat from your sweat glands, which cools your body down. The hairs on your arms lie flat against your skin so that no hot air can be trapped there. Your capillaries that are near the surface of your skin dilate/get widen so that more blood can get to the surface and so that more heat can be lost.