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Your brain recieves signals from your skin receptors that tells your brain that your temperature is too hot. You produce sweat from your sweat glands, which cools your body down. The hairs on your arms lie flat against your skin so that no hot air can be trapped there. Your capillaries that are near the surface of your skin dilate/get widen so that more blood can get to the surface and so that more heat can be lost.

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Q: What happens to your body when it gets too hot?
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What happens when the body gets too hot?

The first thing that happens when the body gets too hot is it beings to sweat. This provides immediate cooling which begins controlling body temperature.

What happens when your body gets too hot or too cold?

the body sweats alot and this can cause illness

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What causes a sudden change in body temperature?

When the body gets too hot we sweat. Then when its gets too hot, we start to burn and our nerves send signals to the brain which tells you too stop. Then when it gets really hot, u catch of fire. When the body gets cold, you feel like sticking your self, then u shiver.

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If your ankles and body are swollen and retaining water, this could mean that your kidneys are not working properly. This also happens during pregnancy, and sometimes when a person gets too hot.

What happens when the body is too hot?

you sweat you get very hot and that makes you get skin cancer and can give you sun strokes

What happens when a hard drive gets too hot?

First Off, your HDD might fail or it will get hot enough your computer will shut down then your HDD will fail either way if it gets hot it fails