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Q: Interrelationship of plants and soil and decomposers in a forest?
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What is interrelationship of plants soil and decomposers in a forest?

Decomposers are the organisms that convert the dead plants and animals into humus. The nutrients released by the decomposers are taken up by the roots of the plants. In this way, the decomposers help in recycling the nutrients. This is how soil, plants and decomposers are interrelated in a forest.

What is the role of the decomposers in a rain forest ecosystems?

they eat the dead matter and recycle it back into the environment and soil ready for the plants to use again

Are decomposers found in the soil water or air?

Decomposers are found in the soil. Fungi, bacteria and earthworms are examples of decomposers that eat dead plants and animals.

How do decomposers supply phosphorus to soil?

Decomposers release phosphorus into the soil from decaying animals and plants. Plants can now take up the phosphates in the soil. When animals eat the plants, they then have phosphates in them and they are released back into the soil through waste and decompostion (decaying).

How are plants dependent on animals soil decomposers?

Yes. The nutrients get released from the creature that decomposes and returned to the soil, which the plants absorb through their roots

What role decomposers play in the phosphorus cycle?

Decomposers release phosphorus into the soil from decaying animals and plants. Plants can now take up the phosphates in the soil. When animals eat the plants, they then have phosphates in them and they are released back into the soil through waste and decompostion (decaying).

How do nutrients get into soil?

Decomposers break down dead plants and animals. They return the nutrients to the soil.

Does the substance of dead plants and animals are returned to the soil by consumers?

Yes, when consumers eat dead plant and animal matter, the nutrients in their bodies are broken down and returned to the soil through their waste products like feces. This process helps to recycle nutrients and nourish the soil for new plant growth.

Dead leaves on the forest floor become new soil through the actions of?


Dead leaves on the forest floor become new soil through the action of what?


What is the effect of composition of the earth?

More soil for plants and more food for decomposers.

What would happen to the plant population if the number of decomposers decreased?

The plants would not have enough nutrients from the soil because the decomposers are not around to decompose dead things and get the nutrients back into the soil.