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Forensic accounting has been subdivided into two categories, (1) litigation support and (2) investigation and dispute resolution

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Q: Into what two categories has forensic accounting has been subdivided?
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What is the basic principles of forensic science?

I assume you mean the type of forensic science you see on tv shows like CSI:Miami however criminal forensic investigation is only one amount many many forensic fields.Forensic by definition means "of or before the forum." It is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to a legal system. This may be in relation to a crime or a civil action (an audit of some sort is a forensic investigation - forensic accounting).The principles of forensic accounting work like so:Insiders in a corporation's accounting department among many responsibilities are supposed to detect fraud. Sometimes they are able to successfully do this and sometimes not.Approximately 60% of fraudulent activity is reported through someone informing the accounting department what has been going on or by accident. When that happens an external forensic accounting investigator is usually called in to investigate the books.From there a thorough external, objective investigation of the company's compliations, tax reviews, audits, wealth management and what have you is conducted.

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To divide something that has already been divided. 8, which can be divided into two groups of four, can be subdivided into four groups of two.

What are the classification of cost acounting according to time?

Cost accounting can be classified into three categories based on time: Historical cost accounting: Records and analyzes actual costs that have already been incurred. Standard cost accounting: Sets predetermined costs based on expected costs and actual performance. Lean accounting: Focuses on eliminating waste and increasing efficiency in real-time cost tracking.

What are accounting principles?

The Accounting Principles are the assenition rules of accounting and the application of these rules, method & procedures to actual practice of accounting. These Accounting principles have been divided into a. accounting concepts b. accounting conventions.

What accounting stage represents orders that have been received but payment has not been made?

What stage of accounting represents orders that have been received but payment has not been made

What is the origin of accounting?

Accounting is believed to have been originated and developed by the MERCHANTS OF VENICE.

What is Parent parcel?

A parent parcel is a large parcel of land from which smaller parcels have been subdivided. For example a one acre parcel that has been subdivided into four one-quarter acre parcels. It could also refer to a ten acre parcel from which a two acre parcel has been conveyed.

What companies have been accused of accounting fraud?

Companies that have been accused of accounting fraud include General Electric and Hospital Chain. Both companies were very suspicious, which is the reason why they've been accused of accounting fraud.

What is the different between cost accounting and financial accounting?

the question am asking have not been answered .because financial accounting and cost accounting is not the same nor even having the same answer .

Where did accounting originate from?

Accounting originated in ancient Mesopotamia. The development of accounting stemmed from the development of writing, counting, and money and has been in practice since.

The important of computer in accounting system?

Accountants and accounting systems have been around for many years.

Why Accounting is eyes and ears of management?

management accounting has been described as the eyes and ears of management