

Intructions downloading music from iTunes to ipod?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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first plug in iPod open iTunes put the CD in then it should automaticly rip it to itunes go to 'name'iPod then click sync if u got girt card go to store register music buy wat u want and then do the same

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What is an iPod and how it work?

An iPod is a portable MP3 (music) player developed by Apple Computer. It works by downloading your music from your iTunes library.

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How do you move music from computer to iPod?

Go into iTunes, and drag the song/s you want into the iPod section, and it should start downloading.

Do you have to get music off iTunes if you have an ipod?

The iTunes software will link to the iPod but you do not need to purchase music from the iTunes store as you can add music from any source; such as your own CDs or music files already on your computer. Other retailers, such as Amazon, provide downloading software which allows any music you purchase from them to be automatically added to your iTunes music library.

How do you download songs from your desktop or laptop computer to your iPod?

Use limewire or bitcomet or any other music downloader to search and downlod music then grab and drop the song/songs into your itunes. From there just plug your ipod into your computer and sync your itunes to your ipod.

When downloading a CD to get it on your iPod do you rip it and then get it on the iPod?

iTunes automatically downloads the CD to your iTunes library - you can then transfer them to your ipod. If you are downloading a complete CD image from the net then you will have to burn the CD to import it to iTunes. If you are downloading the files as mp3's then you can simply drag them into your iTunes library and from there into your ipod. Hope that answers your question.

Do you have to wait for your library to finish downloading the music before you can put it on your ipod?

Yes. iTunes can't sync what's not there yet.

How do you download music using an iPod touch?

You can use Itunes on the Ipod Touch and put money on your account. But otherwise, downloading music via zippy share or any other music download has to be done on the Internet.

Do you have to buy iTunes to have music for your iPod?

no, 1.Itunes is free can put music on your computer to Itunes then ipod.

Is there any legal music downloading site that works with ipod other than itunes?

yes there is, GEEZ, just pay the money!!! no that's why there is itunes anyways!!!! :(

What should you do if your ipod gets stuck downloading music on itunes?

Reboot the iPod and start over. There's not much else to do at that point. Be sure you aren't loading in more data that the iPod can hold.