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Q: Iran vs Iraq who won?
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Related questions

What were the wars of Iran?

Iran-Iraq war which lasted for 8 years, which eventually Iran won.

Who fired on whom first in the Iran-Iraq war?

Saddam Hussein (Iraq) first attacked Iran in September 1980. However, a brief civil war started in Iran in 1978 and 1979 which the Revolutionary Guards (Pasdaran) regime won. No one really won the war. Iran and Iraq never really recovered and both are poor, war weary nations to this day.

Which is the largest out of Iraq Iran and israel?

Iran > Iraq > Israel.

Why did war break out in Iran and Iraq?

Iran never looked after Iraq.

Who fought in the Iran-Iraq War against Iraq in 1980?


What are the former names of Iraq and Iran?

Former name of Iran: PersiaFormer name of Iraq: Mesopotamia

Who were in the Iran-Iraq war?


What is the ancient country for modern Iraq and Iran?

Iraq and Iran were parts of Persia

Who fought 8 years with Iraq?

Iran. The Iran-Iraq War, waged between Iran and Iraq began in 1980 and only ended in 1988.

Was Iraq at war in 1983?

Yes, Iraq was at war with Iran from 1980 to 1988. This was called the Iran-Iraq war.

Which country is farther west Iran or Iraq?

Iraq is further west than Iran

How did Russia participate in the Iran-Iraq War?

Russia sold weapons to Iran and Iraq.