

Is 'stay up' a verb

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Is 'stay up' a verb
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Related questions

What is the phrasal verb for stay?

stay in - not go out stay on - not leave at the expected time stay on - remain in place, not come off stay up - not go to bed stay out - not return home

Is stayed an linking verb or an action verb?

The verb stay is an action verb.

What is the Past participle form of the word stay up?

"Stayed up". ("Stay" is a regular verb.) Note: Only a minority of English grammarians consider that "up" is part of this verb; "up" is more often considered a predicate complement or an adverb. Verbs of this type, however, with separable prefixes, are common in German.

What is the present tense of the verb stay?

The present tense of the verb "stay" is "stay". For example, "I stay at home on weekends."

How do you use stay as a action verb?

(Linking verb) Please remain calm. (Action verb) The smell of their roses does not remain.

Is stay a regular verb?

Yes, "stay" is a regular verb. Its past tense is "stayed" and its past participle is also "stayed."

Is the word fast an action or linking verb?

is stay an action or linking verb

Is stay a preposition?

No. Stay is a verb, and more rarely a noun. It cannot be a preposition.

Is stay an intransitive action verb?


Is stayed an adjective?

No. The verb stay means to remain. The noun stay can mean a visit, a rope, or a support (collar stay)

Is stayed an adverb?

No, "stayed" is not an adverb. It is a verb that describes the action of remaining in a specific place or condition.

What part of speech is promised?

promise can be a noun or a verb. If you were to use it as a noun, you would use it like this; i made a promise with my brother to stay out of his room. if you want to use it as a verb, you would use it like this; my brother said "Promise me you'll stay out of my room or I'll beat you up."