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depending on the dosage, your body weight, tolerance/first time user.

personally if i take the same amount of milligrams- for example: 10mg xanax or 10mg of clonozepam, the clonozepam without a doubt knocks me out 3x harder.

Both are highly addictive and can be quite dangerous- just keep that in mind.

just my 2 cents, but stay safe and dont let either get a hold of ya. .

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Q: Is xanax stronger than Klonopin on a mg per mg basis?
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Does it take Klonopin longer to get in your body than xanax does?

The best I can tell you on that one is....klonopin is a longer acting benzo although xanax does seem to work better for me...for instance,I've been on xanax for 10 years,in my 3 pregnancies I was switched to,I wish I could give you a yes/no answer but I can't....just that xanax is stronger but not as long "acting" as klonopin

Which is stronger Ativan or Klonopin?

Both belong to class the class of "super-potent" benzodiazepines. Technically, Klonopin is more potent than Ativan (0.25mg-0.5mg klonopin = 1mg ativan), but if you are wondering which produces more euphoria, most would agree Ativan beats Klonopin. My psychiatrist recently swapped me from klonopin to ativan for my social anxiety, and I find ativan works faster and produces a much more calming effect than the klonopin did.

Does xanax stay in your system longer than Klonopin?

Xanax is used for anxiety disorder and Klonopin can also be used for the same thing. Xanax should be out of your system in 5 to 8 days.Klonopin can stay in your system for 24 to 48 hours.

Is 1mg Kolonopin equivalent to 1mg Xanax?

No I can take Klonopin and they are weaker than the xanax. they don't work as well or as fast

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Ativan can be stronger than Xanax. However, it depends on the milligram dosage. Both Ativan and Xanax are anti-anxiety prescription medications.

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Is klodpin and Xanax the same?

Pretty much. In both Klonopin and Xanax some of the igredients are a bit different, but the narcotic in each is the same and both are used to treat anxiety and/or depression. Klonopin is usually weaker and comes in smaller doses than Xanax.Both Klonopin and Xanax are categorized into a group of drugs called Benzodiazepines (aka. Benzos)Hope i have answered all of your questions.Ask more if necessary, about Benzodiazepines or any other type of drug.Thanks,

How close are Xanax to colatapins?

There is no drug known as colatapin. I assume you are refering to Klonopin.Both are benzodiazepines, however they are a bit different in some respects. Klonopin(Clonazepam) lasts a good bit longer than Xanax(Alprazolam). Xanax is better as an "as needed" or "breakthrough panic attacks" since it lasts roughly 6-8 hours, while Klonopin lasts closer to all day, around 16-24 hours and are better for round the clock anxiety control. Xanax tends to make people more drowsy than Klonopin. Both are anxiolytic (like most benzo's) but Klonopin is also an anticonvulsant.Summary: Both have very similar effects and are considered "high potency" benzo's, but klonopin lasts a good bit longer.

Is vicodin stronger than xanax?

The difference between Hydrocodone and Xanax is Hydrocodone is an opioid pain killer.Xanax is a class of drug called a benzodiazapine prescribed for anxiety or panic attacks.Other drugs in this class are Valium,klonopin,and Librium. ===ANOTHER ANSWER=== FIRST ANSWER IS correct. HYDROCODONE is a narcotic analgesic (painkiller) commonly known as Vicodin (hydrocodone + Tylenol), or Lortab, or Lorcet. It has the potential to be abused or addictive. XANAX is an anti-anxiety, that also has the potential to becoming addictive, but much less than others in its class like Valium (diazepam) or Klonopin (clonazepam). Also, never abruptly stop taking any of these three.

Does Klonopin get you high?

Yes. Klonopin, or Clonazepam, is a form of Benzodiazepines, the most common classification of anti-anxiety medications. Much like Xanax, Klonopin is available in .5mg, 1mg and 2mg tablets. Street value of Klonopin is significantly higher than Xanax. Klonopins will definitely get you very high however, I do not in any way shape or form recommend it. Klonopins have some very nasty common side effects and some disgusting long term effects with continued use.

How much stronger than Valium is rohypnol?

Rohypnol is MUCH MUCH STRONGER than Valium. I say much twice..because for once it is stronger than Xanax & VALIUM. It contains 10 mgs of Valium, which would equal about .5 mgs of Xanax, this meaning that Xanax (Alprazolam) is a more potent drug than Valium (Diazapam)! Xanax is also a much quicker acting drug than Valium & also stronger. One blue 10mg Valium equals to 0.50mg of Xanax. That is how strong Xanax is. Then I say MUCH AGAIN because Rohypnol is stronger than other benzodiazepines, such as Valium, Xanax, and Halcion. 10mg tab of diazepam, and half the strength of a 1mg tab of Xanax, equivalence-wise. Rohypnol is 7 to 10 times stronger than Valium. Rohypnol's effects include sedation, muscle relaxation, reduction in anxiety, and prevention of convulsions. It's also very addictive, so never use Rohypnol in the long-term. This drug should only be prescribed for short-term treatment of any of the above issues. Hope this answered your question :) xXx

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Herbal xanax is not even close to as potent even in doses 100x stronger than xanax (milligram per milligram). Xanax is prescription depressant and herbal xanax is a blend of herbal supplements. It is a misleading name and will not make you feel the same way even in huge doses.