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Law schools are not concerned with your Grade 8 GPA. They want to see your college GPA.

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Q: Is 3.7 a good GPA for a grade 8 and is it good enough for law school?
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Is a 4.5 GPA good enough to go to a good school and the an IVY for graduate school?

A 4.5 GPA is good enough to graduate and go to an IVY graduate school.

What is a good GPA for elementary school?

so teachers can grade write on students papers .

What is a 2.5 letter grade?

Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.Typically a GPA of 2.5 is a letter grade of C+. However, it depends on the school and how they weigh their grades.

A GPA of 3.7 is equal to what it good grade?

A 3.7 GPA is equivalent to an A average. A 3.7 GPA is considered an A-.

What is GPA for school?

Grade Point Average, a scale based on your performance in school

If youre in a sport in high school is that grade included in your GPA?

No it does not!!

What is required GPA score to get into Harvard?

A 4.0 is good enough, but try to get a 5.0 because someone with a slightly higher grade can get admitted.

What letter grade is a 2.2 GPA in middle school?

Typically, it is a letter grade of C, depending on the grading system of the school.

What is a 1.0 GPA equal to grade?

For colleges and universities that grade on a 4.0 scale with 4.0 being the highest grade, a GPA of 1.0 would be a letter grade of D, which is a minimum pass but not high enough to graduate. In addition, courses with a grade of D will not be transferable to another institution.

What should your GPA be in 12th grade?

A good GPA for high school is one that is 3.5 or higher. With letters, a 1.0 is a D-F, a 2.0 is a C, a 3.0 is a B, and a 4.0 or higher is an A. Think of it this way, and calculating your GPA is simple.

High school 90 average is equal to what GPA?

The GPA would be 90.7. The letter grade assigned to that GPA would be dependent on the specific school and how they weigh their grades. For some schools it would equate to an A, while others an A-.

If you are in 6th grade is a 3.2 a bad GPA?

3.2 is good