

Is 40 degrees bad

Updated: 11/2/2022
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11y ago

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For fever, yes, send to hospital immediately.

For weather, yes, not good for your skin.

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(-40) degrees Fahrenheit = (-40) degrees Celsius.

What to wear at 40 degrees?

40 degrees isn't that bad, so you should wear a sweatshirt over any t-shirt and some pants and you will be fine, great if moving around.

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Its the same, -40 degrees Fahrenheit = -40 degrees Celsius.

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- 40 degrees

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It is also -40-40 degrees Celsius equals - 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Easy to remember.

What does -40 degrees celsius equal to somthing degrees fahrenheit?

-40 degrees Celsius is -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

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-40 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to -40 degrees Celsius.

What temperature is cooler 40 degrees Fahrenheit or 40 degrees celsius?

40 degrees fahrenheit 40 degrees celsius is way higher then it is fahrenheit.

How many degrees Fahrenheit is minus 40 degrees Celsius?

-40 degrees Celsius is equal to -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is colder 40 degrees Celsius or 40 degrees Fahrenheit?

40 degrees Celsius is hotter and is equal to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, while 40 degrees Fahrenheit is someone cold compared to 40 degrees Celsius and is equal to 4.44 degrees Celsius. So to answer the question 40 degrees Fahrenheit is colder.

What is -40 degrees Fahrenheit into Celsius?

-40 degrees Celsius = -40 degrees Fahrenheit