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Q: Is 60 calories per serving considered as a unit rate?
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What is the unit rate if there is 1760 calories in 8 servings?

220 calories per serving

Food A contains 150 calories in three forth of a serving food B contains 250 calories in two third of a serving Find each unit rate which food has fewer calories per serving?

Food a contains 150 calories in three forth serving. That makes 200 calories per serving. Food B contains 250 calories per two third serving. That makes 375 calories per serving. So food A has got less calories per unit serving as compared to food B.

A low calorie dinner has 480 calories in an 9 oz serving. what is the unit rate in simplest form?

53 and 1/3 calories per ounce

Is the calories per serving on a food label?

Carbohydrates, sugars, and vitamins

What is the unit rate of 815 calories in 4 servings?

203.75 calories

What is the unit rate of 175 calories in 12 ounces?

175 calories in 12 ounces=153 if its dont help just tell me

What is the unit rate of 504 calories in 12 ounces?

504 calories in 12 ounces

How do you caluate denisty?

Energy density is the amount of energy (calories) in a give unit (grams). So you just divide the calories by the grams per serving.

What is a rate that's in which the second quantity in the comparison is one unit?

It is a unit rate.A unit rate.

What do you do if an unit rate has a remainder?

A unit rate cannot have a remainder. A unit rate is a ration that has the unit as one and the rate has to be equal. If not, you either did a calculation mistake or the ratio is not a unit rate.

Why do you think rates are usually written as unit rates?

A rate is a ratio of two quantities: miles per hour, calories per cookie, dollars per person, ... a unit rate just specifies the units (miles, hours) of the two quantities.

Can a unit rate be a rate?

Yes, a unit rate can be a decimal