

Is ADHD a physical reaction within the brain?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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8y ago

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ADD is a chemical reaction in the brain. Believe it or not, an ADD brain shows LESS activity than a normal brain. The neurons in the brain are not active enough to properly connect, causing inattentiveness, impulsiveness, hyperactivity in some, etc. Stimulant drugs raise the level of activity in the brain (by correcting the chemical imbalance) to that of a "normal" brain, increasing the neurons activity, therefore decreasing the other symptoms.

ADD causes brain neurons to refuse fusing with neural impulses exhibited by adjacent nuerons, by way of the synaptic gap. Stimulants, such as Adderall and Ritalin, will increase the amount of firing a neuron will do. Non-stimulant alternatives, such as Straterra, act as norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors, which causes the firing neuron to not "take back" the chemical it fires to the adjacent neuron(s); this allows the chemicals to remain in the synaptic gap for a longer period of time, therefore increasing the chance that a receiving neuron will accept it.

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No; concussions can cause symptoms similar to ADHD, but it is not ADHD. ADHD is a developmental disorder of the brain that occurs in childhood.

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ADHD is how your brain works, the chemicals in your brain cannot be altered by Pepsi, and I think that ADHD can only be caused by the way your brain works from the start of your life, and nothing else can cause it.

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ADHD is a brain disorder; it does not affect the body.

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ADHD is disorder resulting from an underdevelopment of certain regions of brain, particularly the areas that control focus, memory, and impulse. ADHD affects only the brain.

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ADHD is a complex condition that impacts the brain's executive functions.

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Adderall is a psychostimulant used to treat ADHD. The active ingredient in Adderall, amphetamine works by increasing the amount of dopamine available within the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in memory, focus, and motivation. By increasing dopamine within the brain, individuals with ADHD can experience greater focus and more impulse control.

Can ADHD be prevented?

Probably not. ADHD is caused by an imbalance in brain chemistry that is almost certainly hereditary.

What systems are affected by ADHD?

ADHD affects the frontal lobe (brain) but also more systems

Is ADHD physiological or psychological?

ADHD can have physiological or psychological symptoms. ADHD and autism are typically associated with neurological development problems with the brain. The brain wiring in a person with ADHD or autism is not as efficient as a person without ADHD or autism. The brain circuitry isn't wired as well, thus leading the brain to struggle with cognition and attention span.

Does Shawn Michaels have ADHD?

No , he's getting brain damage from getting hit in the head too much. No He doesn't have ADHD nor does he have brain damage!! Get real