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Basal body is in both plants and animals.

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Q: Is Basal body is a plant or animal cell?
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Is a throat cell a plant cell or an animal cell?

it's an animal cell as it is part of an animal body

What type of cell has a Golgi body?

Plant and animal

Is a Golgi a plant or a animal or both?

you probably mean the golgi body. it is an organelle that is in both the plant and animal cell.

What is present and absent in plant and animal cell?

A cell wall, chloroplast and large vacuole are present in plant cell. Whereas, Golgi body and grana are present in animal cell. A cell wall is absent in animal cells and Golgi Bodies are absent in plant cells.

How is animal cells different from plant cell?

well the animal is different from a plant cell because a plant cell have a cell wall, & chloroplast and the animal cell does not

What are analogies for basal bodies?

The basal body is like an anchor. It joins all of the cilium to the cell and gives the cell support.

What type of cell is the cilia a plant cell or animal cell?

it is in a plant cell

Why is Golgi body Lysosome Ribosome Centrioles in animal cell but not in plant cell?

cuz the functions of these parts is not needed in the plant cell

What is a basal cell and what is it's purpose?

A basal cell is one that has yet to differentiate. It is special because it can become whatever type of cell the body requires.

Is a plant with roots a plant cell or animal cell?

It is a plant cell, a animal cell is in something with movement.

What is a plant and animal nucleus?

The body in the center of a cell where the DNA is stored.

How animal cell is different from plant cell?

well the animal is different from a plant cell because a plant cell have a cell wall, & chloroplast and the animal cell does not