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Christianity originated in the Middle East, but is generally considered a western religion, since it has been most widely accepted in Europe and the Western Hemisphere, whereas it has had less acceptance in eastern countries such as India, China, and Japan.

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Q: Is Christianity an eastern or western religion?
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What is dominant religion of eastern and western Europe?


What is the difference between eastern and western religions?

There is no "eastern religion" or "western religion." Christianity, Judiasm, and most the religions practiced in the Western Hemisphere originated in the Eastern Hemisphere and spread around the world. Islam, what is thought of as a very Eastern religion by most people who don't know much about it, actually spread up through Africa and into Spain by the Moors, who were eventually defeated. Religion has no bourdaries.

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The expression the fall of Rome refers to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire which crumbled under the weight of the invasions by Germanic peoples. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for another 1,000 years. The religion of the western part of the Roman Empire was called Latin or Western Christianity. It continued to exist and later came to be called Catholic (Christianity) and became the region of Western Europe. The religion of the eastern part of the Roman Empire also continued to exist. It was called Greek or Eastern Christianity. It come to be called Orthodox (Christianity) and became the religion of parts of Eastern Europe and Russia.

What is the connection between ancient Rome and the spread of Christianity?

Christianity developed from a religion among a small group of Jews (who lived in Judea, which was part of the Roman Empire) into a mass religion in the Roman days. It spread around the Roman Empire. It became state religion. Catholic Christianity and Orthodox Christianity developed during the Later Roman Empire. They were originally called Latin or Western Christianity and Greek or Eastern Christianity respectively. The former was the main form of Christianity in the western part of the Roman Empire and the latter was the main form of Christianity in the eastern part of the Roman Empire.

Is Eastern Orthodox a religion?

Eastern Orthodox is a branch of Christianity.

What is the difference of religion between western Europe and russia?

Western Europe is majority Catholic whiel Russia is majority Eastern Orthodox. Both are branches of Christianity, however.

What religion was western Europe?

The most widespread religion is Christianity.

What Two things that the Italians inherited from the ancient Romans were?

Two things that the Italians have inherited from the Romans are language and religion. Italian is a romance language; that is, a language derived from Vulgar Latin (a mixture of Latin and local languages). Catholicism developed in the Roman days. Originally it was called Latin or Western Christianity and was the main religion of the western part of the Roman Empire. Greek or Eastern Christianity was the main religion of the eastern part of the Roman Empire. Later it came to be called Orthodox Christianity.

What is the religion that Greek people worship?

The current dominant religion is Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

What was the ancient romans most significant contribution to europe?

I would say religion was the ancient Romans' most significant contribution to Europe. Christianity developed from a religion among a small group of Jews (who lived in Judea, which was part of the Roman Empire) into a mass religion in the Roman days. It spread around the Roman Empire. It became state religion. Catholic Christianity and Orthodox Christianity developed during the Later Roman Empire. They were originally called Latin or Western Christianity and Greek or Eastern Christianity respectively. The former was the main form of Christianity in the western part of the Roman Empire and the latter was the main form of Christianity in the eastern part of the Roman Empire.

Which is the major religion of russia and eastern Europe?

Orthodox Christianity.