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Yes, conflict theorists argue that the exploitation by the dominant group is often disguised through social institutions and ideologies that perpetuate inequality and maintain the status quo. They believe that these power dynamics result in conflict and competition for resources among different groups in society.

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Q: Is Conflict theorists maintain that exploitation by the dominant group is disguised?
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How would conflict theorists view social change?

Conflict theorists would view social change as a result of power struggles and inequalities within society. They would argue that social change occurs when dominant groups are challenged by subordinate groups seeking to shift power dynamics to better meet their needs and interests. Conflict theorists believe that social change is driven by competition and conflict over scarce resources and power.

What theorists examine how the educational system reproduces the social class structure?

Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron are two theorists who examine how the educational system reproduces the social class structure. They argue that the education system perpetuates social inequalities by favoring the cultural capital of dominant groups, leading to the reproduction of existing social hierarchies and inequalities.

What are the key features of the conflict theory?

Conflict theory emphasizes the role of power, coercion, and competition in shaping societal relationships. It views society as divided into groups with conflicting interests, where power dynamics influence social structures and institutions. Conflict theorists believe that societal change occurs through struggles between dominant and subordinate groups.

Which sociological perspective views race from the macro level and purports the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups?

The conflict perspective views race from the macro level and emphasizes how the economic structure drives the exploitation of minority groups. This perspective highlights power imbalances and how dominant groups use their economic advantage to maintain control over resources, perpetuating racial inequalities.

Which sociological perspective would most likely argue that the social order is based on coercion and exploitation?

The conflict perspective, rooted in the ideas of Karl Marx, would be most likely to argue that the social order is based on coercion and exploitation. This perspective focuses on the struggle for power and resources between different groups in society, with the dominant group maintaining control through coercion and exploitation of subordinate groups.

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How would conflict theorists view social change?

Conflict theorists would view social change as a result of power struggles and inequalities within society. They would argue that social change occurs when dominant groups are challenged by subordinate groups seeking to shift power dynamics to better meet their needs and interests. Conflict theorists believe that social change is driven by competition and conflict over scarce resources and power.

What do social conflict Theorists say about today's education?

Social conflict theorists argue that education perpetuates social inequalities by reinforcing class divisions and maintaining the status quo. They suggest that the education system is controlled by dominant groups who use it to reproduce their power and privilege, resulting in unequal opportunities for success based on socio-economic factors.

What do conflict theorists believe is the purpose of the hidden curriculum?

Conflict theorists believe that the hidden curriculum serves to reinforce and perpetuate social inequalities and power dynamics within society. They argue that the hidden curriculum teaches students how to conform to dominant social norms, values, and behaviors that maintain the status quo and reproduce existing social hierarchies.

What theorists examine how the educational system reproduces the social class structure?

Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron are two theorists who examine how the educational system reproduces the social class structure. They argue that the education system perpetuates social inequalities by favoring the cultural capital of dominant groups, leading to the reproduction of existing social hierarchies and inequalities.

What are the key features of the conflict theory?

Conflict theory emphasizes the role of power, coercion, and competition in shaping societal relationships. It views society as divided into groups with conflicting interests, where power dynamics influence social structures and institutions. Conflict theorists believe that societal change occurs through struggles between dominant and subordinate groups.

Which sociological perspective views race from the macro level and purports the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups?

The conflict perspective views race from the macro level and emphasizes how the economic structure drives the exploitation of minority groups. This perspective highlights power imbalances and how dominant groups use their economic advantage to maintain control over resources, perpetuating racial inequalities.

Which sociological perspective would most likely argue that the social order is based on coercion and exploitation?

The conflict perspective, rooted in the ideas of Karl Marx, would be most likely to argue that the social order is based on coercion and exploitation. This perspective focuses on the struggle for power and resources between different groups in society, with the dominant group maintaining control through coercion and exploitation of subordinate groups.

What is a conflict theorist perspective on racism?

A conflict theorist would view racism as a way for dominant groups to maintain power and control over marginalized groups. They would argue that racism creates social inequalities by allowing those in power to justify their privileged positions and oppress others based on race. Conflict theorists would advocate for dismantling systemic racism to address these power imbalances.

What is deviance from a conflict perspective?

From a conflict perspective, deviance refers to behaviors or actions that go against the norms and values of a society, often resulting from power struggles and inequalities within the society. Deviance is seen as a form of resistance by marginalized groups against the dominant social order and structures that perpetuate oppression and injustice. Conflict theorists argue that deviance challenges authority and serves as a means for the disenfranchised to assert their agency and demand social change.

How would a conflict theorist analyze obesity?

social conflict ananlysis of obesity, who is exploited? What are the dominant groups? what resources or bases of power do the dominant groups have at their disposal to preserve their dominance?What is the social definition of the issue? What b=values are in conflict?

How do the functionalist and conflict explanations of stratification differ?

Functionalists view stratification as necessary for maintaining social order and stability, with each social position serving a specific function in society. Conflict theorists, on the other hand, see stratification as resulting from competition and inequality among different social groups, with the dominant group using their power to maintain control and suppress the lower classes.

Which type of sociologists would consider deviance to be a useful part of society?

Conflict theorists argue that deviance is a useful part of society as it exposes power imbalances and challenges dominant norms, ultimately leading to social change. They see deviance as a form of critique against existing social structures and inequality.