

Is Dodge expermenting with an anti-gravity car?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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where did you hear that from?

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Q: Is Dodge expermenting with an anti-gravity car?
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Not likely. Antigravity is a concept sometimes used in science fiction, but doesn't exist in reality.Not likely. Antigravity is a concept sometimes used in science fiction, but doesn't exist in reality.Not likely. Antigravity is a concept sometimes used in science fiction, but doesn't exist in reality.Not likely. Antigravity is a concept sometimes used in science fiction, but doesn't exist in reality.

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As of the date of this question, antigravity is a myth. In the future we may be able to show that antimatter experiences negative gravity, but that wouldn't have practical applications.

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There aren't any antigravity muscles in the human body. But as long as you're upright there are plenty of muscles that are working against gravity.

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Because houses dont float.....

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The antigravity position for testing shoulder flexion is when the patient is seated or standing upright with their arm positioned directly in front of the body at shoulder level. This position requires the shoulder muscles to work against gravity to lift the arm, allowing for assessment of shoulder flexion strength and range of motion.

What does anti gravity mean?

Anti-gravity refers to the hypothetical phenomenon of opposing the force of gravity, essentially allowing objects to float or levitate in defiance of the normal gravitational pull. It is often portrayed in science fiction but has not been scientifically proven or achieved.

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That would be Dodge, and the emblem is a Ram (goat).