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Q: Is Enforcer Flea Killer for carpets safe for ferrets?
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What are some good flea killer products?

Some good flea killer products available to the general public include reputable brands such as Harris, Raid and Enforcer. Although there are many more.

Does frontline make a flea treatment for ferrets?

No. The only approved flea treatement for ferrets is Revolution, which is usually available from your vet. You can use the kitten dose of Frontline to treat your ferret for fleas, just use one drop per pound of ferret. (2lb ferret= 2 drops)

Do flea eggs die in hair after using RID the flea killer?

No they dont but the fleas do

Can you use Hartz flea medication on a ferret?

Do not use Hartz flea medication of ferrets or any other animals. There has been many reports of Hartz flea medication causing seizures and even killing pets. On ferrets, Advantage and Frontline are safe, but always read precautions before using and consult your veterinarian.

Who sells ferret flea medicine?

Most pet stores sell Frontline and Advantage. While these are not approved for use in ferrets, it is safe to use the smallest kitten dose on ferrets. About one drop per pound of ferret will suffice. Revolution is the only ferret approved flea medicine (it also kill heartworm). It is available at most vet offices.

Can puppy flea killer get rid of squirrel fleas?

Yes it can because it is pretty much the sam3 thing

I have fleas in my home. How do I get them out?

You can find flea treatment sprays for you household furniture and carpets at any store such as walmart, Home Deopt or Lowes which can help get rid of them in the house and are not harmful to you or the furniture. Also you will want to check your local pet store for flea treatment for you dog, such as flea collars, one-spot treatments and bathing products.

Do fleas live in leather sofa?

Adult fleas cannot survive very long without an animal host, but flea eggs and larvae can live for many many months in carpets, between floorboards and possibly down the cracks of sofas. If you believe you have a flea infestation, be sure to treat all the furniture with a vacuum cleaner and flea spray.

How do you deflea a cat?

Use a proprietary flea-collar, or use a spot-on treatment as well as using a flea comb at least once a day to get rid of any adult fleas. If your cat has fleas, you need to treat the house, too. Wash all bedding, carpets, and other fabrics in the house frequently. Be sure to vacuum clean carpets, also. Eggs and larvae can live in carpets (and the vacuum cleaner bag) for months at a time, so vigilant cleaning is a must. Be sure to put a flea collar in the vacuum cleaner bag or replace with a new bag after each use. This ensures the bag doesn't become a place where eggs and larvae can grow and hatch!

What happens if a flea bites a human?

Flea bites are small red dots that itch. Cats or dogs can bring them in from outdoors and they can multiply in carpets, bedding etc. My cat brought them in, and I had small bites all over my ankles and that's how I discovered the fleas. I used a flea bomb insecticide that can be bought at any pet shop and worked very well.

How do you get rid of black fleas in your home?

One of the most effective things you can do is to vacuum daily. Vacuum the carpets, furniture, mattresses, and other soft places they can hide. You can also try getting flea killing sprays. Set traps for fleas. Buy flea killing machines.

What's the best cheap method for flea control?

Boraxo is an inexpensive multi-purpose product that can help with flea control on carpets and furniture, and even around the parameter of your home outside. Depending on the severity of the flea problem, this method can be quite effective. If however you have an infestation or fleas on multiple outdoor pets, additional treatments may be necessary to eradicate them completely.