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Accordong to Yusuf Ali the most difficult book to translate is the Quran as one word can have several meanings. It took Yusuf Ali 40 years to translate the Quran and still he felt he did not do justice to it. Quranic translation can help one understand the basic message of the Quran. Quranic text and translation cannot be held as the same thing as translation is human handy work and can contain errors for example one author translates the verse of surah luqman "no one knows the sex of the child in the womb but Allah" at no point in this verse does the word sex appear in the quranic text. The verse actually translates as "No one knows what is in the womb but Allah" referring to the nature of the child whether he/she will be a boon or bain to society whether they will go to heaven or hell. With medical equipment today we can determine the sex of the child but we will never know about the intricate nature of a child. A mistake in translation will be attributed to Allah so we should all strive to learn the Arabic language.

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Q: Is English translation of Quran sacred?
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There is a free online translation of the Quran by Dr. Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan. In addition to this, many modern translations can be purchased in bookstores or online.

Can we find the English translationof the holy Quran?

Here is the link to the pdf document of English translation of Quran by Pickthall.

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They say it is better to read the Arabic translation not the English or any other language's translation.

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This is a forbidden act, a sin. Here is an example from the holy Quran:"Do no mischief on the earth, after it hath been set in order.."( English meaning translation)(Quran, chapter 7 , verse 56)

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