

Is Evolution taught in Kansas

Updated: 12/19/2022
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16y ago

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Evolution is something that nobody seriously doubts, the evidence is all around. But you have in mind the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection: a scientific theory originated by Darwin after his voyage in the Research ship Beagle. Some religious sects take exception to the element of this theory that ascribes completely new species to the mechanisms that Darwin describes, wishing to reserve the creation of species to God's work alone. Darwin's theory features: natural variation by sexual reproduction, with mutations. The elimination of most dfferent forms because they are not well-adapted to the conditions. The survival of a FEW different forms because they suit the conditions better (or the conditions have changed enough to make them more successful at present) If different forms survive and multiply, then over millions of generations, the forms of survivors can be dramatically different. It is difficult to observe the effects of millions of generations, except in creatures with very, very short lifespans - but there are many of those too: bacteria, flies and insicts for example. Even so, Darwin's theory is taught in every state of the US and every developed country because it is successful in predicting and explaining observed data: this is the test of all scientific theories. /Brian W

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The court case which ruled that evolution could be taught in schools was that of Edwards v. Aguillard.

How many people believe evolution should be taught in schools?

All rational people. It is not a matter of belief, though, as what manifests itself in the real world, and evolution does that, is not subject to " beliefs " and is true whether you believe it or not. Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, is a fact. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains much of this fact. Evolution and the theory of evolution by natural selection is the foundation of biology and it makes little sense not to teach it. The courts have spoken, both at the local and Federal level, so evolution is taught in schools. How rigorously it is taught varies by region. Regardless, science does not adhere to argumentum ad populum.

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Should evolution and creationism be taught side by side in school?

Most certainly not side-by-side. That would imply that they are equivalent notions. Evolution, however, is a scientific theory, and creationism is religious myth. Evolution belongs in biology classes, creationism in something like comparative religion courses.

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Teachers? I'm not sure I understand your question.

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Do you mean legal to be taught in schools? Evolution has been the accepted theory as to the origin of 'complex' life for around 150 years. I'm not sure when it became legal to be taught in schools. Probably around the same time the scientific community accepted it.

Who taught the evolution of the species including man through natural selection?

Many biology teachers have taught about this, but Charles Darwin was the man credited for first discovering the mechanism and writing about it.