

Is HDL a good fat

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Is HDL a good fat
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What are the symptoms of HDL cholesterol?

HDL cholesterol is not a symptom, it is a type of cholesterol that occurs in your body and makes up part of your overall cholesterol score. HDL is the "good cholesterol" which removes build-up from artery walls and flushes the fat to the liver to be processed. When you get your cholesterol tested, a high HDL number is a positive result.

Hdl is abbreviation for?

HDL= High Density Lipoprotein (good cholesterol)

What does low HDL indicates?

hdl is your good want it higher and you want your ldl to be lower

Why is hdl good?

its absorbs HDL(bad) and carries it to the liver for removal from the blood

Which lipoprotien is decribed as good cholesterol?

The HDL-lipoprotein is the "good cholestrol".HDL is short for "High Density Lipoprotein".

Why is cholestoral good?

There is good HDL and bad LDL cholesterol. Both are in our bodies all the time. Bad cholesterol can be hereditary, or come from a diet high in fat and junky food. Good cholesterol comes from exercising and foods high in "good " fat. We need good fat in our diet everyday, but the bad fats we need to stay away from.

Where can I find an explanation of the cholesterol hdl ratio?

The WebMD website will give you the explanation of the cholesterol HDL ratio and will also tell you the benefits of a good HDL ratio. HDL stands for High Density Lipo-Protein. It is the good cholesterol in the bloodstream.

HDL-boosting Foods and Beverages?

HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol in your body, and having high levels of this kind of cholesterol is something you want for your long-term cardiac health. Foods and supplements that can boost your HDL levels include foods with highly soluble fiber. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been linked to higher levels of HDL; fish and flax seed oil are good sources of this type of fatty acid. Eliminating trans-fat is also a helpful way to keep HDL up. Last, mild to moderate consumption of alcohol, particularly red wine, is also good for keeping HDL levels elevated.

Which is the good cholesterol, HDL or LDL?

HDL or High Density Lipids is the good kind of cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is found in olive oil, salmon, mackerel, seafood and some fatty nuts.

What is different between hdl and ldl cholesterol?

HDL= Good Cholesterol, LDL = Bad Cholesterol

How can cholesterol be stopped?

Your body needs some cholesteral. What is inmportant is that you have more good then bad. there is ldl and hdl. ldl is bad hdl is good. You can lower your bad levels by eating a more healthy diet, olive oil fish or fish oils, less of the bad like beef or pork fat or margerine.

Hdl and ldl prevent cardiovascular disease?

You want your HDL (good) to be higher and your LDL (bad) to be lower.