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Hawaii is a State of the USA, the only 'colony' that the United States has and the only state apart from Alaska not to be directly linked to the entire USA.

Alaska is part of the USA, and is the largest state in the US, but it is separated by Canada from being directly connected to the rest of the United States.

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Q: Is Hawaii part of Mexico or Canada or Alaska part of Russia or Japan?
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What country is located beet ween Canada and Mexico and Canada and Russia.?

The USA is between Canada and Mexico. The USA in the form of Alaska is also between Canada and Russia.

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The US shares borders with Canada and Mexico.

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Hawaii and Alaska... Being an island group, and a territory bought from russia.

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Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867. Hawaii was annexed in 1898.

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Only Alaska which has a maritime border with Russia.

Is Alaska north of Canada?

Alaska is a US state, but it is not connected to the 48 contiguous states. It borders Canada. It is part of North America, the major countries of which are Mexico, Canada, and the US. It was originally colonized by Russia, and was sold to the US in 1867. There is no apparent connection of Alaska to China.

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There are several neighbors to the US. There is Canada, Mexico, and Russia, although Russia is across from a small amount of water west of Alaska.