

Is Hercules more famous than Zeus?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Probably, because he is know in many Cartoons and movies for his courage and strength, while Zeus is not as common to our culture.

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Q: Is Hercules more famous than Zeus?
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Who is stronger Hercules or Zeus?

Hercules cannot defeat Zeus, however strong he may be as Zeus is a god and the king of all the gods.

Was Hera Hercules' Mother?

No. Hercules' mother was a mortal named Alcmena. His father was indeed, Zeus, king of the gods. Hera hated Hercules not only because it wasn't her son, but also because Zeus loved Hercules more than her. This made Hera jealous. Disney was not faithful to Greek mythology with their 1997 animated theatrical film, "Hercules". In this movie, Hera was Hercules' mother and both she and Zeus loved him very much. Zeus seems a faithful husband to Hera. In Greek mythology, he wasn't, at least by our standards.

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Poseidon and Zeus. Hades was the eldest than Poseidon than Zeus. By:Jordan N.

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Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles, Helen, Minos, and the Muses. He is said to have fathered Ares, Hebe, and Hephaestus, as well.

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Heracles/Hercules was the son of Zeus by another woman (other than Hera/Juno); therefore, this made her very angry.

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Hercules was more celebrated for strength, than for skill.

How do you go to Zeus and get the items back on Mythology island?

When Zeus steals the 5 sacred items, you have to get help from Poseidon and Hades. Hercules will finally help you if you have the Touchscreen mirror from Aphrodite. Travel to Hades and get the Hades Crown, then to Poseidon's realm to get his Trident. These two weapons will prove more than a match for Zeus. Hercules will get you past the locked gate and you can travel to Olympus. You will need the drachma from the Temple of Hades worker in order to climb Olympus. If you battle Zeus and win, you receive the Island Medallion. (see the related question)

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No, the only children of Leto and Zeus are Artemis and Apollo. If you want to go half siblings, she has a lot because of Zeus. Some of them would be Athena, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus, Hercules, Perseus, Helen, and many more.

Is the sentence No other man is stronger than Hercules correct?

Possibly, provided that it means "Only one man is stronger than Hercules." But more likely the use of other is incorrect. Use "No man is stronger than Hercules."

Which Greek god is more powerful Hercules or Atlas?

Atlas is a god he was one of the first Greek gods. The Olympian Gods dethroned the "Titans". (Which Atlas was one of the Titans.) He received the most harsh punishment of all the Titans, carrying the heavens on his back and bearing the weight forever, given to him by the King of the gods Zeus. But Hercules (or Heracles) is not a god. His Father is Zeus but his mother is mortal. To answer your question..... Hercules was able to hold the heavens on his shoulders just as well as Atlas, and Hercules did more things that proved his strength (like killing the Lion of Nemea) than Atlas did. Atlas on the other hand never had any real amazing stories just that he held up the heavens. So based on the facts of mythology Hercules seems much more powerful just not a god.

Was Hercules one of the Greek gods?

No, he was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman. Actually, his Greek name is Heracles, Hercules is Roman. Heracles means "glory of Hera". Zeus named him this in honor of Hera to pacify her because she became extremely angry when she learned that Zeus cheated on her. Even so, Hera drove Heracles into mad rages, causing him to kill his wife and children. The Twelve Labors of Heracles was his punishment. As I remember, there ended up being more than twelve in the end, but that's another story.

What is the meaning of the idiom 'herculean task'?

Hercules is a famous Greek mythological character known for his superhuman powers of strength. He was supposedly the son of the god Zeus, and thus had abilities that normal humans did not have. At one point, Hercules was given a series of twelve horribly difficult tasks that he had to perform in order to atone for killing someone - a herculean task is one that would have been given to Hercules because it is such a huge job. An effort requiring more than usual strength or will power.