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Q: Is Homer Hickam's dad a good father?
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Who is Homer Simpson's father?

Abraham J. "Abe" Simpson is Homer J. Simpson's father.

What is Homer's dad's name?

His father's name is Abraham, and his mother's name is Mona.

How do you spell the dad from The Simpsons?

The dad character in The Simpsons is "Homer"

Who was Homer Hickman's hero?

His Dad.

Who is the dad in simpson's?

homer jay Simpson

Who is Bart Simpson’s DAD?

Homer Simpson

Who is Barts real dad?

Homer Simpson.

What is Homer Simpson's dad's name s dad's name?

Abraham Simpson

What is the significance of Homer?

Homer is Matt groenings dad name same with marge his mother's name

Who does Peter kidnap to show his dad he is a good father?

the Pope

Who is more famous Homer Simpson or James Bond?

It depends because James Bond is a classic which everybady loves, But Homer Simpson is the lasy good for nothing funny as hell cartoon dad. Overall Homer is the most popular

Can your dad be your lawyer?

There is no reason that your father cannot represent you. There is certainly incentive to do a good job. Your father would be good counsel for you.