

Is Jupiter Cronus

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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No, Cronus is the equivalent of Saturn and Jupiter's Greek name is Zeus.

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Q: Is Jupiter Cronus
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Is Zeus stronger than cronus?

Evidently, as when Zeus wrestled with Cronus, Cronus lost.

How is Cronus related to Zeus?

Cronus is Zeus's father.

What is Jupiter namesake?

the names of jupiter are as follows: jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter and last but not least JuPiTeR

Where was Zeus created?

He was not created, he was born. His parents were Cronus and Rhea. Zeus is created on the natural process His father is Cronus and his mother is Rhea. Zeus is the only child live because cronus eats his children after birth for his safety but Zeus has been hidden by his mother rhea. Instead of Zeus his mother gave a piece of rock to cronus cronus didn't notice. After that Zeus has been grown and started a plan w/ titan I think to kill his father cronus.

How did Hestia come to exist?

Hestia was born of Rhea to Cronus, and Cronus swallowed her along with her siblings until Zeus - Hestia was released from Cronus last, so she is both eldest and youngest of his children.

Related questions

Why is Saturn Jupiter's father?

because Saturn was Cronus and Jupiter was Zeus and Cronus Was Zeus's dad

Which god was the father of Jupiter?

Jupiter's father was not a god. He was a titan, Cronus.

What planet is Cronus the father of Zeus?

Jupiter the Roman god was identified with Greek Cronus.

What myths was the god Jupiter in?

Zeus and cronus

Who was the father of Saturn and the grandfather of Jupiter?

Jupiter (Zeus) is the son of Saturn (Cronus) who is the youngest son of Ouranus (Uranus).

I am a Trojan boy and great beauty whom Zeus carried away to be cup bearer to the gods what moon am i?

Ganymede is the seventh and largest of Jupiter’s known satellites. Ganymede is the third of the Galilean moons.

You are the roman goddness of love and beauty the Greeks called you cronus the father of Zeus what plnet are you?

Saturn is Cronus, father of Zeus. Jupiter is Zeus. Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty; Aphrodite is her counterpart.

What was the god Jupiter famous for?

Jupiter was famous for being the king of the gods. He was one of the sons of Rhea and Cronus, and had given his father a poison to drink so that he would throw up his other brothers and sisters. Jupiter was also the lord of the sky.

Why is Saturn named after cronus?

Saturn is actually named after Chronus, the god of time, because it was seen in the sky longer than any other object. However, Chronus is often mistaken for Cronus, the ruler of the Titans, who went by the name Saturn after escaping to Italy.

Who is the father of Saturn and the grandfather of Jupiter?

Saturn (Greek: Cronus) was the son of Earth & Sky, two of the most primal gods who in turn were born out of Chaos. Saturn then castrated his father and became king of the universe, and was the father of Jupiter (Greek: Zeus.) Saturn was overthrown by his son, Jupiter and he became ruler of the gods.

When did cronus die?

Cronus did not die.

How were the lives of Cronus and Saturn alike?

Saturn is Cronus. Cronus was his greek name, Saturn his roman name.