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It's neither. Linux is its own family of operating systems. It is modeled after Unix and shares many design goals, but it is not completely inter-operable. Also, to be legally called a "version of Unix", an operating system must go through a rigorous and expensive certification test, which no Linux distro has currently done.

No. Linux is not an *anything* Unix.

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Q: Is Linux part of Unix or it is an advanced version of Unix?
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Is unix a part of operating system?

No: Linux is a general purpose operating system, and it has a windows system as well. Yes: Linux looks like a window operating system to the uninitiated.

What of the accounts is built into Linux?

For the most part, every Unix-based and Unix-like (and by extension, Linux) distribution will have a root account (equivalent to a system administrator account in Windows). The remaining accounts will be allocated for the users and for certain applications.

Is the apache web server easy to use?

I can not answer this about the Windows version of Apache but if you use any version of Linux or UNIX it is real easy to set up. I t normally takes about 15 to 30 minutes for a newbie to set up Apache as a web server. There are literally hundreds of articles and videos on the web to help set up Apache. Many of the Linux distros has Apache as a part of their Linux Packages. All of the Linux distros has Apache in their repositories available for download. t depends on whether or not you are fluent in UNIX, most people are not these days since it is more kin to windows DOS than Vista or 7. If you are not and wondering what the world UNIX is then it is not going to be easy to use.

What is the difference between C and Linux?

There is very little difference in the C compiler between Unix and Linux; in some cases (the gcc compiler) it is the same. The differences come in when using system calls; some system calls do not exist in Unix or Linux, although most do. The program I work on compiles the same way (for the most part) between all commercial versions of Unix and several variants of Linux. In other words, the code is fairly portable across platforms.

Do Unix commands work in Linux?

The ones that are listed as part of a standard (such as Posix) will work in all UNIX systems (but not all systems, such as Windows command prompt). A lot of UNIX vendors add commands that only work in their version of UNIX, so they aren't as portable across systems as others.

Is AIX considered part of Unix?

Not really. AIX is IBM's patented version of Unix, with their own add-ons and features. The basics look a lot like Unix but legally they are not Unix. One could say it is a Unix variant.

What does the C language have to do with the success of Linux?

Very little. C is a very common language to write operating systems in.

What is a Unix or Linux variant?

The original UNIX was an operating system developed by Bell Labs in the early 70's. What makes UNIX significant is that many of the ideas that were part of it became standards in computers, even today. As time passed, those standards evolved, and became the basis for a number of newer systems, such as BSD, Linux, and even Mac OS X. Since they share similar standards they are called "UNIX variants". In 1992, Linux was created. What makes Linux different from many of the other UNIX variants is that no one owns Linux, and it is essentially "community property". It has been freely adapted for many purposes. Linux "distributions" are versions of Linux that are tailored for a specific audience. Since no one person's needs are exactly the same, there are many different versions to choose from. They are the same operating system, just with different things added.

When was UNIX rewritten in C?

C was invented in order to write UNIX. At least some parts of UNIX were written in B (which was repalced by C) but you pretty much have to say UNIX was originally written in C. ~ NEW ANSWER - I didn't feel the need to delete the other answer as it may be true to a point. Unix was rewritten in C in 1973. This was Unix's fourth Edition. The first edition came out in 1957. ~Andrew York ----------------------------------------------- The "very" first version of what we know as Unix today was written in 1969 at Bell Labs in, if I recall correctly, Murray Hill, New Jersey. It was written by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Joe Ossana and Douglas McIlroy among others. "Unix" grew out of a previous project known as Multics. The primary goals of the Multics project were sound but it was felt, by some, that it's implementation was flawed in Multics so Bell Labs gradually withdrew from the project and decided to retain the goals of Multics but start essentially from scratch with a new operating system design. Thus was born Unix. AT&T and Bell Labs also created the 'C' programming language, though you are correct that the earliest incarnations of 'Unix' were not written in what we know as 'C' today. The C programming language was preceded by both the A and B languages, though, if memory serves me correctly, the B language was an interpreter, without compiler output to media. Unix, and more often Linux today, continues to serve in many roles. Windows NT, Microsoft's second 'Server' operating system, was written and compiled on NEC Unix workstations in the 1990s. Prior to that Microsoft marketed the Xenix operating system as their sole server operating system. Xenix was a 16 bit version of Unix developed by the Santa Cruz Operation (SCO). Unfortunately, in 1957, hardware architectures were not really capable of running anything that would be recognizable as any form of Unix today. Today, Linux continues to raise the bar with every kernel release and remains the defining standard for Unix like operating systems. Most super computers run Linux today and Linux runs the vast majority of Web sites the world over, along with other excellent Open Source systems such as Apache and Nginx, MySQL and PHP (often referred to as LAMP). This elaboration upon Unix history would be incomplete (if not fatally flawed) without mention of the creator of Linux, Linus Torvalds. All of us in the IT industry today owe a great debt to Linus Torvalds for his vision and absolute dedication to quality, reliability and security embodied in the Linux kernel as well as the efforts of RMS (Richard M. Stallman) for the work of GNU (Gnu's Not Unix) which, combined with the Linux kernel, comprises in whole or part, nearly every Linux distribution in existance today. Well known examples of Unix/Linux would include such machines as IBM's Deep Blue Chess computer which beat World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov running IBM's proprietary verson of Unix called AIX and IBM's Watson which defeated two Jeopardy World Champions running SUSE Enterprise Linux version 11. Many well known companies also run Linux such as the Google search engine which operates almost entirely on the Linux operating system. JMH

How can you find the version of Linux you are using on your computer?

The best solution is this command (actually two in one): uname -a && cat /etc/*release The first part of the command tells you the version of the Linux kernel that is running. The second part of the command tells you the name of the distribution, like "Red Hat Enterprise Linux X.X". When asked this same question, most people only answer the first part, which is not always what the user needs to know.

How do you create a user in Linux?

Creating a new user in Linux or Unix is typically done with the adduser command. The basic syntax is:adduser -g [group] -n [username]where group is the group (admin, scanners, cups, vboxusrs, etc...) that you want the new user to be part of, and username is the name that they log in with. You will need either root access, or be part of the "sudoers"group in Ubuntu.

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