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A bit more than that. The surface gravity on Mars is closer to 3/8 the gravity on Earth.

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Q: Is Mars' gravitational pull about one third of Earth's?
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What is earths gravitational force compared to mars?

Earths gravitational force compared to mars is greater than mars. That means that objects are easily pulled into earth, whereas it is harder to pull objects into mars, because the gravitational pull is less than earth. With that, satellites on earth could easily fly out of orbit while they are orbiting mars because they have more inertia. With that, the gravitational pull isn't strong enough to overcome the inertia.

What planet is bigger Earth or Mars?

Earth has the greater gravitational pull. Mars pulls with only about 38% of Earth's gravity.

What happens when you get out of Earths gravitational pull?

When you get out of earths gravitational pull, you aren't rotating around it like the moon. You are free to float into space.

What is the gravitational pull?

Less than one tenth (1/10) of the earths gravitational pull.

How much is earths gravitational pull?

it is 10N/Kg

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How does a sattillite stay in orbit above mars?

because of mars's gravitational pull

What if there will be no Mars?

The gravitational pull of Mars helps keep the Earth in it's orbit.

When spacecraft goes on moon how it revolves after leaving earths gravitational pull?

ahhh now.... When a spacecraft leaves earths atmoshere it does not leave earths gravitational pull! the moon itself is in earths gravitational pull. which is what stops the moon from floating away so as far as i can imagine if you put a space craft on the moon you have not left earths gravitational pull or the E.G.P

Which four planets have a less gravitational force pull than earth?

Gravitational pull is less for Mercury, Venus, Mars and Uranus. And th eother planets have higher gravitational pull.

Why does Phobos and deiomos surround Mars?

The gravitational pull of Mars pulls Phobos and Deimos into its orbit.

What are the two moons of the planet mars?

they are called Phobos and demos.both are irregular satellites,have a very low gravitational pull and orbit mars very fast. they must have been asteroids before have being caught by mars's gravitational pull