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army ranger of course ..

how long can you hold on to a boring job.?? its much harder to train someone for a boring job also..

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Q: Is Navy seal or Army ranger training tougher?
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Who receives more training the british sbs or US Navy seals?

I think your question is incomplete. But if you are comparing a person who has only been to army basic training and a trained navy SEAL. The answer is obvious. If you want to open the box of worms ask who is better trained a Navy SEAL or an Army Ranger or Special Forces.

What are the requirements and responsibilities of an Army Ranger AND Navy SEAL AND Marine -- respectively?

To answer a number of questions at once, too become a Navy SEAL you must be in the US Navy. No one but Navy sailors can be or train to be a SEAL. No women either. The above is true for all 3 branches. To become an Army Ranger, you most be in the Army. Marine Recon - Only Marines can be Marine Recon. Also, no females are allowed in the school or service in the unit

Navy jump wings on a army uniform?

Navy jump wings on an Army soldier's uniform mean that the soldier has completed jump training in accordance with navy standards. These are blue wings that can be affixed to the uniform signifying that the individual has the training to jump from a standard plan in good conditions.

Can you be a army ranger and a navy SEAL?

You can't serve in two different units simultaneously. Some Navy SEALs do attend Ranger School, or else they've attended it prior to attending BUD/S to become a SEAL.

Is there a joint training course of Navy seal and Delta force?

No - Navy SEAL recruits are accepted only from the ranks of Navy personnel, and BUD/S training is conducted at Coronado Island, off of San Diego. Delta Force operators are taken (though not always) primarily from the Army's Ranger ranks, and are always seasoned, experienced soldiers who have shown they can operate alone and without support. The one school and qualification that both have in common is the Army's Jump School at Fort Bragg, home of Army Special Operations, where they both go to earn their parachute qualifications.

What part did FL play in World War 2?

It was a major training area for Army and Navy units

My question is that do you need a GED to join the navy and if not will the navy help you in basic training?

most of the time lilly you have to have a diploma to join the us navy a ged will get you to the marines or army but not navy or air force or coast guard

How long do you go to traning camp for the army?

The Navy and Army's basic training is 8 weeks long. Air force is 6 weeks, and Marine Corps is 13 weeks.

Army of the Republic of Vietnam?

The South Vietnamese Army; "in-country"...we called him "Arvin the Marvin." There was also a South Vietnamese Air Force, Marines, Navy, and a South Vietnamese Ranger outfit.

Can army transfer to SEAL training?

No, you have to be in the Navy to be a SEAL. The army has its own special operatives, however. Delta Force is the absolute best the army has to offer. Many consider them to be superior to the SEAL operators.

What is the maximum age to become a Green Beret Delta Ranger or Navy SEAL?

Beret's are between 20-30. Anyone in the army is age-eligible to become Ranger qualified. Doesn't mean everyone who goes through can pass the training though. Don't know about SEALs and Delta Force. They are the grizzly old vets though so they're probably older.

Who won Army Navy game 1967?

navy won the 1979 army navy football game 31-7