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Whether in Romania or elsewhere, the Orthodox Churches are national Churches which broke away from Communion with the Catholic Church in the 11th century. Their clergy and sacraments remain the same, and their liturgy is identical to the Catholic Uniate rites of the same rite, but they are still in schism, and thus not "the same".

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Q: Is Orthodox the same as Catholic in Romania?
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Three religions of Romania are: orthodox, catholic, protestant.

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Are Poland Czech Republic and Romania Catholic countries?

Poland and Czech Republic are catholic countries. Romania is an orthodox country.

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90 % of the population are Christian Orthodox. Other are Romano-Catholic, Lutheran and many protestant sectarians.

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The most important religion in Romania is christian orthodox: approx. 87 %.Others are: catholic-6 %, reformat-3,5 %, moslem-0,2 % and some stupid sects imported from US.

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Greek Orthodox: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia Catholic: Croatia, Hungary, Austria

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There is an Orthodox Church and a Catholic Church. There is no Catholic Orthodox Church.

When is the Assumption of Mary in the Orthodox Church?

It is in August, the same as the Catholic Church.