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Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States. The elected Governor is the head of Puerto Rico, with the President of The United States being Chief of Sate.

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Q: Is Puerto Rico a country or part of the US?
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Related questions

Is Puerto Rico a developed country?

It's not US territory is a part but it is a country dumb

When was Puerto Rico a country?

Puerto Rico has never been an independent country. It was part of the Spanish Empire from the time of Columbus until 1898, when it was taken from Spain by the United States. Puerto Rico has been part of the US since then.

Which country's residents became citizen of the US in 1917?

Puerto Rico

Is Puerto Rico its own country?

No, it's a non-incorporated US territory (or colony, if you wish).

What power does the president of Puerto Rico have?

There is no President of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is part of the US, so the President of the United States is the head of state for Puerto Rico, as for the rest of the US.

Is Puerto Rico part of Cuba?

No. Puerto Rico is a US territory. All Puerto Ricans are US citizen at birth. Puerto Rico president is Barack Obama.

Does Puerto Rico have a status of liberty?

If you mean, does Puerto Rico have a Statue of Liberty: they have the US Statue of Liberty because Puerto Rico is part of the US.

Is a Puerto Rico drivers license valid in US?

Yes, seeing as Puerto Rico is part of the US

What country is bigger Puerto Rico or the US?


Is Puerto Rico Mexico part of the US?

Puerto Rico is not in Mexico. It is a US Territory in the Caribbean where it is a part of the Greater Antilles.

What colony is Bermuda part of?

the United Kingdom. It is only a part of theUK, not a country. Like Puerto Rico and the US.

Why is Puerto Rico a developed country?

Puerto Rico is a developed country because it is part of the United States of America, a developed country. Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth and an unincorporated territory of the United States. The currency is USD and the citizens are United States citizens under the laws of the U.S A. While residing in Puerto Rico they cannot vote in U.S. presidential elections, however if they become residents of an US state, they can vote in all elections..