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In the Catholic Church there is no law or sin associated with races mixing through the fulfillment of the sacrament of marriage. What is discouraged and sinful - if a dispensation is not properly secured - is the mixing of religions.

A diriment impediment exists in cases where:

* A Catholic marries someone who is not baptized. * A Catholic marries someone who is baptized, but who is not a Catholic (this can happen, but an official dispensation must first be procured from the proper Church authorities. Because their religion is so intimately connected to their nationality, often people assume someone of Jewish heritage or nationality is of Jewish religious belief and practice. Someone of Jewish heritage who converts to Catholicism is a Catholic in religion and can validly marry whomever they will, of any race, providing the above conditions are observed.

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Q: Is Race-Mixing considered to be a sinful or prohibited practice in Roman Catholicism Marriage with Jews for example is under diriment impediment?
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