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It is almost unanimously agreed that Saddam Hussein Is bad person. a paranoid tyrant who was insensitive to human life and international convention. It would be a great challenge to think of something good to say about him.

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Q: Is Saddam Hussein good or bad person?
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What did Saddam Hussein to his people that was so bad?

Saddam Hussein killed many people for no reason . He also created genocide between the Kurds !

Why Saddam Hussein was hang to death?

he was a bad guy, treated people horrible

Does wicked mean bad?

It can, but not always. Wicked tends to be a religious word-- it connotes a person who is evil or lacking in morals. But something can be bad without any reference to morality: That was a really bad movie. Or, the traffic is really bad tonight. Now, note the difference here: Many people believed Saddam Hussein was a wicked person because he used torture on his enemies. (It should also be mentioned that in Massachusetts, "wicked" is a slang word that is used in place of "very"-- that ice cream is wicked good!)

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There would be a few good things, like bringing loved ones back from the dead, or just seeing another you. But the REALLY bad thing is that people could bring back bad people like Hitler, Saddam Hussein, or other people. And Yes, Osama bin Laden is alive. Unfortunately.

Why was Saddam Hussein put in prison?

Saddam Hussein was put into prison and Hanged for Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. Saddam was wanted for the 1988 attack of Halabja with Mustard Gas and Nerve Agents that killed over 5,000 people and that mamed, disfigured, and seriously debilitated over 10,000 more. The Killing of Religious Figures in 1974. Killing of the Kurds in 1983. Killing members of Political Parties. Displacing Kurds in the mid 80's. Suppressing Kurdish and Shiite uprisings in 1991 and the invasion of Kuwait in 1991. to make a long story short . . . . . he was a bad person.

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Changes are good for a person, unless the changes are not good changes... then, changes are bad for a person. If you support bad changes then you would be supporting bad change for a person.

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Good in a bad way.

Who are some bad leaders of the past and present?

Some outstandingly bad leaders of the past include Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Josheph Stalin, Mao Tse Dong, Pol Pot, and Saddam Hussein. At present the worst leader still in power is Kim Jong Il of North Korea.

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He was a GOOD person

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Many bad bad bad bad bad bad bad people. and Osama Bin Laden. and Saddam Hussein. execuse me no name im requiring specific information and evidence of where you got that information execuse me no name im requiring specific information and evidence of where you got that information

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good person

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