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Jewish last names were formed rather recently by the event of the Jewish ghettos in eastern Europe.they were chosen usually by the persons proffesion or place of birth. These are the majority of Jewish last names used till the talmudic age everyone was known by .... Son of .... Fathers name. And till today many of these last names are still used. To cite a few for example.

Antopolsky = is Russian for :(man) from antopol ; a russian city.

Schneursson = son of schneur ; common first name.

Goldman = person who is a goldsmith etc etc

Take these rules and apply them to names youcome across you be surprised.

As per your question: spitzbarth can very well be a jewish last name because there aren't any rules abt what is a jewih last name and what isn't.Personally I have never heard of it and I don't think it is a common last name.

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