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No. The 16th President was Abraham Lincoln. Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd President.

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Q: Is Thomas Jefferson the 16th president?
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Thomas Jefferson was the president during Thomas Jefferson's second term as president.

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Thomas Jefferson

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Thomas Jefferson was John Adams Vice President, before he was President.

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In order from left to right, we have President George Washington, President Thomas Jefferson, President Theodore Roosevelt, and president Abraham Lincoln. Washington was the first president. Jefferson was the third president. Roosevelt was the 26rd president. Lincoln was the 16th president.

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Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the United States.

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Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd President to the people of the United States.

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Thomas Jefferson

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Monticello was designed by Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States. Jefferson began building his home when he was 26 years old.

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Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd U.S President.

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Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the United States.

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Thomas Jefferson was the 2nd Vice President of the United States. He served under President John Adams. Jefferson went on to become the 3rd US President.