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TURKEY is a predominantly Muslim country, though the rights of other religious groups are protected in law. Strictly speaking, TURKEY considers itself a secular star but in practice, the majority faith is Islam.

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Q: Is Turkey a Muslim or Jewish state?
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What types of religions does turkey have?

90 percent muslim.8 percent jewish 2 percent christian.

What is the religious breakdown of Turkey?

The majority of people in Turkey are Muslim, with a large percentage adhering to Sunni Islam. Other religious minorities in the country include Alevism, Christianity (including Armenian Apostolic, Greek Orthodox, and Syriac Christians), and Judaism.

What ancient religion lies in modern day turkey?

The Ancient Religions that used to prevail in Turkey are all gone, such as the Greek Pantheon, the Akkadian/Mesopotamian Pantheon, the Hittite Pantheon, etc. Modern Turkey is primarily Sunni Muslim with Alevi Muslim, Shiite Muslim, Atheist, Christian, Jewish, and Baha'i minorities.

Is Lebanon Jewish?

Lebanon is a predominantly Muslim nation with a significant Christian minority. It is not Jewish. Indeed, only Israel can be described as a Jewish state.

What is one of the changes implemented by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Turkey's first president?

He made Turkey into a secular state, ending the Muslim influence on politics

What Middle Eastern nations are opposed to a Jewish state?

Most Arab leaders and Iran's leadership are opposed to a Jewish State (the exceptions being those of Egypt, Jordan, and Turkey).

Turkey is a Muslim country?

No, Turkey is a secular country with majority Muslims.

Is Antakya Muslim?

Antakya (Antioch) is located in Hatay Province, Turkey. Centrum of Antakya's religion rates: %45 - Sunni Muslim %40 - Alawi Muslim %5 - Orthodox Christian %3 - Protestant Christian %1 - Jewish %6 - Other

Is Salim Mowriyah Mujawar a Muslim or Jewish?

Muslim, but according to his facebook status he is Jewish.

What is the biggest difference between turkey israel Iran Jordan morrocco Saudi Arabia Egypt and Iraq?

Well, first, Egypt and Morocco are in Africa and the rest are in Asia. Also, Israel is a Jewish country whilst the others are all Muslim. Iran is a Shia Muslim country and all the others (except Israel) are Sunni Muslim. Turkey alone is in NATO and Turkey alone has a land border with the EU and part of Turkey is on the European continent. Jordan and Morocco are the only monarchies and Turkey and Israel are the only democracies.