

Is Vorname the family name

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: Is Vorname the family name
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What is the German word for Taylor?

It could be Vorname (given name) or Nachname (family name). "Tailor" is "schneidern".

What is the equivalent of the word Vorname in English?

The equivalent of the German word Vorname in English is "name".

What is the difference between ''vorname'' ''nachname'' and ''name''?

They are all German words.Vorname is your given name, or first name.Nachname is your family name, or last name.Name is just your name.So German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Vorname is Angela, and her Nachname is Merkel. Her Name is Angela Merkel.

What does the German word 'Vorname' mean?

"Vorname" means "forename" - in other words, your first or given name.

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What does your first and last name mean in German?

first name - Vornamelast name - Nachnamee.g.: John (first name/Vorname) Smith (last name/Nachname)

Is Ray the family name or is Stingray the family name?

The Family name of the ocean stingray is "Dasyatidae" The Family name of the river stingray is "Potamotrygonidae"

What is hirohito's first name?

He has not family name. The family name identifies one's family tree. Japanese Emperor family is only and unique, so they don't need to have family name.

What is meant by first name and last name?

Last name is the name of the family-father's last name, or mother's last name. First name is the name given to certain member's of the family. For example: John Smith. Smith is the name of the family (father's family or mother's family). John is a specific member of the Smith family.

How did lindt get its name?

it is a family name. They are name for the 'family' who produces and sells them.

What is molybdenum's family name?

there is no family name for molybdenum!

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His family's name is Phantomhive, so his whole name is Ciel Phantomhive.