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Yes it is classified as a class 2 stimulant in the us

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Q: Is Vyvanse a controlled drug
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Is vyvanse a stimulant?

No. Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) is metabolized into dextroamphetamine, a stimulant. Like a narcotic, potential for drug abuse/dependency exists and it is a class II controlled substance. However, vyvanse is NOT a narcotic. A narcotic refers to opiates or opioids (e.g., heroin, morphine, codeine). Vyvanse is an amphetamine. A different answer: Yes. Vyvanse is a controlled substance in most countries in the world. Vyvanse is a pro-drug of dextroamphetamine. Dextroamphetamine has valid medical uses (such as ADHD, narcolepsy) but carries a risk of addiction and psychological dependence. For this reason, it is illegal to obtain or use Vyvanse without a prescription from a doctor.

What will Vyvanse show up as in a drug sceen?

Vyvanse will show up as an amphetamine in both urine and drug testing.

What schedule is Ritalin?

Ritalin is listed as a Schedule II drug on the Controlled Substances List (Vyvanse, Adderall, Concerta, etc., are all C-II drugs.

Will Vyvanse test positive for methamphetimine on a fingernail drug screen?

Vyvanse is a dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) molecule linked to a lysine molecule. In the body, the lysine is removed to yield the dextroamphetamine, making vyvanse a pro-drug. Since dextroamphetamine usually shows up as positive for amphetamines on a standard drug test, it's likely that the metabolites of Vyvanse will as well.

What does Vyvanse show up as in a drug test?

It will show up as Amphetamine (whether legal: adderall, dexedrine, and vyvanse, or illegal: speed). Unfortunately they can not tell which you took, all it is to them is "AMPHETAMINE". SO unless you have a valid prescription you should be fine (not in all cases).

Can Vyvanse show up as dextroamphetamine in a drug test?

Yes; Vyvanse is a prodrug for dextroamphetamine. Vyvanse contains a bonded chemical containing dextroamphetamine and l-lysine.

Is Vyvanse a stronger medicine than Concerta in general?

In general, yes, Vyvanse is a stronger medicine than Concerta. Bothe medications are used to treat ADD and ADHD. Vyvanse is in the amphetamine drug class and Concerta is in the methylphenidate drug class.

Is warfarin a controlled drug?

yes it is controlled drug

How do you shooting Vyvanse?

There is no way to shoot up Vyvanse. Vyvanse is prescription which should only be taken as directed. Any other consumption of this drug can lead to side effects or health failure.

Will Vyvanse show up in a urine drug test?

Vyvanse show up in both urine and blood tests as an amphetamine.

Can you smoke Vyvanse?

No; Vyvanse is a prodrug that requires to be swallowed for the drug (dextroamphetamine) to become active. Smoking will produce no psychoactive effects and is dangerous for your health.

If you only took one Vyvanse a couple hours before a drug test will it show up?

Vyvanse lasts 12 to 14 hours, so it will show up on a drug test... however if you are prescribed it then there should be no problem. Furthermore, it also depends on the type of drug test, and what the drug test is targeting; if the drug test is to test for steroid use, whether you have vyvanse in your system is irrelevant to the test.