

Is World War 3 inevitable

Updated: 9/28/2022
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14y ago

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In a simple way, it is possible to prevent a world war three, and it never needs to happen,

as long as we put logic in front of action and work Diplomatic towards preventing it.

In a philosophic way:

Though time neither had a beginning nor will it have an end, anything is possible and everything will happen. BUT! Because preventing anything from happening can always be prolonged, we could keep on preventing it ALSO for ever in time. So in such way, in theory it will never happen. So the answer is, the chance will always exist, but as long as humans or any other intelligence or Artificial Intelligence prevent it, it does not need to happen. So to speak, never exist as well.

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Q: Is World War 3 inevitable
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Yes. The Treaty that ended World War I didn't resolve any of the conflicts that helped create the war and made new ones because of its clauses.

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I assume you are referring to the treaties at the end of World War 1, namely the Treaty of Versailles. Technically, that is debatable, but most historians agree that the terms of the Treaty of Versailles made a second world war much more probable than it would have been otherwise. Basically, yes, they did make it inevitable.

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Level of Analysis 1. Individual 2. Domestic 3. Systemic In the case of the outbreak of the Cold War this would be: 1. Stalin & Truman 2. Soviet Unions weakness due to World War II, and ideological issues 3. A multipolar world prior to World War II was turned into a bipolar one, making competition among the two inevitable

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i dont think that there was an anding for this war because it was inevitable. I mean i guess it had to happen and it was just weird how after like 20 ears later world war 2 began.