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Is it harmful to dogs to use zinc oxide or desitin on dog's skin irritations because they might lick it? It helped heal a wound after other things didn't help but I'm concerned because I saw him licking it.

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Zinc oxide in small amounts is generally safe for dogs, but excessive exposure can be toxic. If your dog ingests a large amount of ointment containing zinc oxide, it can lead to symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. It's best to consult with a vet if you suspect your dog has ingested a significant amount.

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Q: Is Zinc Oxide in an ointment bad for dogs?
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What can you eat that has zinc chloride in it?

Zinc chloride is a chemical compound not meant for consumption. Consuming it can be toxic and harmful to your health. It is used in industrial applications, such as metal fabrication, as a soldering flux, and in batteries. It's important to avoid ingesting any substance containing zinc chloride.

Which mineral is involved in taste perception?

Zinc is a mineral that is involved in taste perception. It helps maintain normal taste sensitivity and is important for the function of taste buds on the tongue. Deficiencies in zinc can result in taste disturbances.

Why is it not possible to prepare magnesium by heating magnesium oxide in current hydrogen?

Heating magnesium oxide in current hydrogen will not produce magnesium because the hydrogen gas does not have enough reducing power to convert the magnesium oxide back to magnesium metal. In this reaction, magnesium oxide is already in its most stable oxidation state, so no further reduction occurs.

Can zinc cause cramps in the stomach?

Yes, taking high doses of zinc supplements can lead to stomach cramps as a common side effect. It can irritate the stomach lining and cause digestive issues such as cramps, nausea, and vomiting. It's important to follow recommended dosages and consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

Is zinc is good to your health?

Yes, zinc is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, wound healing, and proper growth and development. It also plays a role in supporting normal taste and smell perception, among other functions in the body. However, it is important to consume zinc in appropriate amounts as excess intake can lead to adverse health effects.

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What is the jelly used to slow the bleeding while tattooing?

A&D Ointment. Its found in the diaper aisle. Get the brown tube..the blue has zinc oxide..which is bad for tattoos. Its not just to slow the bleeding (which there shouldn't be too much of) its to lubricate the needle. You tattoo someone without and they'll hate you.

Is zinc oxide bad for tattoos?

I think it's Zinc that has a tendency to leach out the ink. Stick with whatever your artist told you to use or use Tattoo Goo.

Can you use a galvinized calf feeder as a grill?

Bad idea. The zinc used to galvanize the steel has a low melting point and oxidizes easily. You will quickly burn off the zinc and the zinc oxide will end up in your food and the tank will rust out almost overnight. The up-side is that zinc oxide is a good sunblock so you probably won't get a sunburned tongue.

What is manganese oxide and is it dangerous to dogs?

magnesia is its common name, If it is in a small amount then the dog will be fine. OK <200 gram BAD >200 grams

Is nitrous oxide bad for the environment?

No it is not bad

How long can ointment be kept once opened?

On your ointment container it will tell you the date of when it goes bad. if not i suggest you go to a pharmacist.

Can zinc cause cramps in the stomach?

Yes, taking high doses of zinc supplements can lead to stomach cramps as a common side effect. It can irritate the stomach lining and cause digestive issues such as cramps, nausea, and vomiting. It's important to follow recommended dosages and consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

Is zinc an good or bad conductor of electricity?

zinc is a good conductor of electricity

How do dogs get bad?

dogs get bad by living with bad people dogs are influenced by the behaviour of others ,like children.

What can you eat that has zinc chloride in it?

Zinc chloride is a chemical compound not meant for consumption. Consuming it can be toxic and harmful to your health. It is used in industrial applications, such as metal fabrication, as a soldering flux, and in batteries. It's important to avoid ingesting any substance containing zinc chloride.

Why is it bad a bad idea to heat zinc and sulphur together?

Cause it can be violent, like bad firework

Is iron oxide bad if you swallow some?

Swallowing small amounts of iron oxide is generally not harmful and will pass through your digestive system without issue. However, swallowing large amounts can cause stomach upset, constipation, and may require medical attention. If you have concerns, it's best to seek advice from a healthcare professional.