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Q: Is iron oxide bad if you swallow some?
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Why is it bad to swallow mouthwash?

You are not supposed to swallow mouthwash because of its high amount of ethanol, as some have more alcohol than an average beer.

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it is bad to swallow the hormons you could get sick

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No it is not bad

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Weed in its self is bad. So, evidently, yes, it is bad.

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what do you mean, African or European swallow BAD ANSWER MORON

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Why is iron oxide bad for the environment?

Iron oxide is a major component of soils and can actually be good for the environment by being a good adsorber of essential metals for plant growth but also toxic metals and arsenic released from mining and industrial processes. However iron oxide suspended in solution can obscure light from aquatic ecosystems, reducing productivity and cause fouling of the gills on fish. Also iron oxides can act as transport agents by adsorbing harmful metals in one place only to release them into another. Like most things in life not a clear cut thing - it depends on the circumstances!

Is it Ok to swallow boba?

Yes you can, but you usually chew it and then swallow it. It will not be too bad if you did not chew it though.

Is it bad if you swallow toothpaste a little?

To swallow toothpaste a little is bad, because there are some active & non-active ingredients that are harmful for human body. Especially for children below 8 are strictly recommended not to use toothpaste because they usually swallow toothpaste while brushing their teeth.

Is it bad to swallow pool water?

Yes it will make you sick