

Best Answer

Genuis - 144+ .13%

Gifted - 130-144 2.14%

Superior average- 115-129 13.59%

Upper average- 100-114 34.13%

Lower average - 85-99 34.13%

Below average- 70-84 13.59%

Low- 55-69 2.14%

Very low under 55 .13%

Age does not matter for scores

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Q: Is a 115 on an IQ test good for a fourteen year old?
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Is a 115 on a IQ test good for a 15-year-old?

Yes. This is on the high end of the average range.

What is a good result for an IQ test?

100 is average but most people are around 115.

what should be good for a 63 year old women ?

A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats will help a 63-year-old woman stay healthy and active. Regular exercise, including cardiovascular, strength training, and flexibility exercises, is important for maintaining muscle mass, bone density, and overall health. Regular health check-ups with a doctor, including screenings for conditions such as osteoporosis, heart disease, and cancer, are also recommended.

Is 115 IQ score good for a 22 year old female?

The average IQ for anyone is 100. An IQ of 115 would be considered above average.

Would a 11 year old 115 lbs. girl look good in a tankini?

Yeah, why not.

Is a 115 a good IQ score for a 25 year old?

115 is a good score at any age. It's "high average". The average IQ is 100, by definition. Only 25% of the population has an IQ higher than 110.

Is 115 a good weight for a 12 almost 13 year old?

If you are 5ft no.If you are 5-5 yes

Is 95 a good score on a IQ test for a 19 year old?

It is average. 68% of the population score between 85 and 115 of most major IQ tests. Also, the age is irrelevant because IQ tests are meant to be age-adjusted.

What is the ideal weight for a 18-year-old girl who is 5'1?

a good healthy weight would be between 115 and 125......

How much does a 13 year old boy weigh?

The average 13 year old boy weighs about 115 to 125 pounds if they eat healthy and have a good diet.

What is the average weight for a 5' 6'' 17-year-old?

115-130 115-130