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No. Copperheads and water moccasins are two different species, though they are closely related. The copperhead is Agkistrodon contortrix. The water moccasin is Agkistrodon piscivorus.

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No, copperheads live in woods and are camoflauged to look like leave. Water moccosins are dark colored and live near water.

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Q: Is a Copperhead snake same as water moccasin?
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Is a water moccasin and a cotton mouth the same snake?


Is the Florida banded water snake the same as a water moccasin?

No - they are completely separate species. The banded water snake or Southern water snake has the Latin name Nerodia fasciata - the Water moccasin is Agkistrodon piscivorus. Additionally - The banded water snake is non-venomous, as opposed to the highly venomous Water moccasin !

What is the life span of the water moccasin?

A member of the pit viper family an adult western water moccasins average 30 inches in length however some have been documented reaching as much as 54 inches from tail to nose. A few eastern species have been reported to be 72 inches long.

Is a cottonmouth and copperhead the same snake?

NO not at all! They are not the same snake. Two different species of snakes.

What colors can water moccasins be?

The general color of a Water Moccasin (also called Copperhead and other names) is brown, gray, tan, yellowish love or black to suit it's ground cover. The dorsal banding is staggered and brighter in color, but as the snake ages the colors conform to olive brown, gray/brown or black. The belling is white/yellow/white or tan marked with dark spots. Water Moccasins are venomous, but unbelievable as it may seem they would rather give a warning of standing straight up in the water to an intruder (such as a human) rather than bite. The bite of a Water Moccasin is venomous, but if help is nearby antibiotics, etc., are given and the person will survive. Another unusual thing is a Water Moccasin can lash out and give what they call a 'dry bite' meaning they have not excreted venom into their victim. I don't know who answered this question but whomever it was is stupid if they think that a water moccasin and a copperhead are the same thing. A water moccasin will kill you and a copperhead will only make you sick or cause a finger or toe to be amputated.

Are a cottonmouth and a copperhead the same snake?

No. Cottonmouths and copperheads are two separate but closely related species.

How do you tell if a snake is poisonous when in the water?

well, if u c a bright color of a snake, yes it's poisonousEDIT: no real good way to tell, there is only one venomous water snake in north America and that is the cottonmouth, or the water moccasin, or its scientific name is agkistrodon piscivorus. They are all the same snake. Now just because i say water snake doesn't mean its the only snake found in the water here, i have seen several eastern diamond backs crossing rivers, and have even seen a few in the ocean going to and from islands, near Apalachicola, Fl. Copperheads can also often be found near the waters edge and sometime in the water!There is a non venomous snake the brown water snake ornerodia taxispilota that looks very similar to the water moccasin.

What are some of the characteristics of the copperhead snake?

Copperheads are venomous snakes found throughout the eastern united states and parts of Mexico. There are five subspecies of copperheads - the Northern Copperhead, whose range stretches from Texas to Massachusetts. The Southern Copperhead, ranging from Texas to Florida. The Osage Copperhead who ranges from Northern Texas through the central united states. The Broad Banded Copperhead which is pretty much the same, and the Trans Pecos Copperhead - which is found from Chihuahua Mexico to Southern Texas. Most copperheads prefer rocky hillsides as habitats or near water.The venom of a copperhead is very weak and can not kill a child 75 pounds or over. The elderly can also die but rarely from copperhead bites. However, their bite is very painful. Copperheads are beautiful snakes.Snakes with bronze colored designs on their body and heads. They are a member of the Rattle Snake family. So, you may have a warning before they strike, but there is no guarantee of that.

Is the cottonmouth and water moccasin the same?

noThe different names come in because of the snakes' defensive display. The snake coils up and opens it's mouth wide-revealing the white flesh of the inside of it's mouth...hence, cotton-mouth.

Are copperhead snakes the same as rattlesnakes?

No. Copperheads and rattlesnakes are related, but the copperhead is notable in that it lacks a rattle.

Will a copperhead and black snake crossbreed?

Very few animals on Earth are able to breed outside of their own species. Even for the few that can, they can only do so with a very closely related species - and the offspring are often sterile. To my knowledge, there are no reptiles able to breed outside their species. I'm not a herpetologist, though and may be incorrect on this.

What snake is tan with brown spots?

It could be 1 of 2 snakes I know with that color. A copperhead snake, or a small python. There could be others. I was looking for the same exact answer myself. I have one of similar color living in my backyard and I have been trying to capture it, and look up things to find out what type it could be. Or it could just posibly be a rare colored Garter snake.