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Mirena IUD Birth Control method is generally safe and it doesn't cause major problems. In some cases there are side effects, such as obesity, depression and dizziness.

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Q: Is a Mirena IUD as safe as any other make?
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Related questions

Is the mirena copper?

No, Mirena is a plastic IUD containing progestin. The copper IUD on the market in the US is Paragard.

Does the Mirena IUD and the paragard IUD come from the same manufactuter?

No, Mirena is made by Bayer and Paragard is made by Teva.

What happens when you have an Mirena IUD infection?

Mirena does not cause infections.

Will a ladycare magnet interfere with a Mirena coil?

A magnet will not affect the Mirena IUD.

Does a Mirena IUD have hormones?

Yes. A type of Progestin is what makes Mirena work. S

Which IUD doesn't have hormones?

In the US, the Paragard IUD has no hormones. Mirena and Skyla have hormones.

What happens if you don't take mirena out?

If you leave the copper IUD in too long, there are no potential health problems. If you leave a hormonal IUD like Mirena in too long, you may not be protected against pregnancy, but there are no other risks.

Can you have an mri while using mirena?

Yes, you can have a pap smear if you have any IUD, including Mirena. Colposcopy and LEEP can also be done with Mirena in, if needed.

Does the Mirena IUD cause nipple soreness?

About 5% of women complain of breast tenderness on Mirena.

You are having a leep procedure with the Mirena IUD is there anyone that can tell you of their experiences with the IUD?

Just had the LEEP surgery... They had to take out the Mirena because of the string...Now I have to pay over 800 just to get a new IUD put in.

Will a pregnancy terminate if mirena is not removed?

A doctor will remove the Mirena if you are pregnant it could harm the baby. By getting an IUD, you agree to: -have the IUD removed -if the pregnancy is viable, your doctor will discuss your options after removing the IUD.

Can you get pregnant if a Mirena IUD is not removed after 5 years?

Unlike other IUDs, Mirena releases a low dose of intrauterine Levonorgestrel to suppress ovulation and to reduce menstrual flow - like all drugs it has an expiration date.The Mirena website does not state the dose decreases;it simply states the IUD must come out in 5 years. It also says a new Mirena IUD can be placed the same day the old one is removed. When Mirena stops releasing levonorgestrel - which suppresses ovulation - it is still a foreign object in your uterus. If you were to get pregnant, the Mirena would need to be removed.If you were to conceive with any IUD you would be at high risk for a severe infection, miscarriage and premature delivery unless the IUD was removed. Because of this, your health-care provider will remove Mirena, even though removing it may cause a miscarriage.