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Yes, well most of the time. Depends where you live and who your landlord is.

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Q: Is a bird nest in a chimney the responsibiity of the landlord?
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What bird builds its nest in a chimney?

A Cukoo Bird builds it's nest in a chimney

What kind of soup or what type of soup?

tomato, sweet corn, oxtail, bird's nest, chimney and french onion.

What does a bird use to build a nest inside of chimneys?

Chimney Swift birds are known for building their nests in chimneys; that's how they get their name. They also build nests in trees but have lost places for their homes due to deforestation.

How do you get rid of chimney swifts?

Delay chimney cleaning until the young have left the nest. Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and anyone who knowingly destroys birds or nests that might contain eggs or young can be fined or penalized. Once the young have left the nest, and no birds remain, have the chimney cleaned, and cap the top off to prevent them from returning.

How do you get rid of chimney swift nests?

It's unlawful to disturb a migratory bird nest. They won't hurt you and they eat tons of mosquitoes! Leave the nests alone and have a chimney sweep clean your chimney in the early fall before the first fire of winter.

What is a bird's nest called?

A bird's nest is called a "nest."

Where do storks sometimes nest on chimney pots?

in you dick

What is the Hebrew word for bird's nest?

bird's nest = ken (קן)

What kind of animals nest in chimneys?

Bats and chimney swifts.

What will make a bird build a nest?

When bird find mate they will build a nest

Is bird nest fern alive?

Yes,bird nest fern is alive.

Bird nest soup alkaline or acidic?