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I dont know, but i think its venomous, not poisonous.

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Q: Is a black pine snake posionous?
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What is a small posionous snake that starts with A and ends with P?

An asp

What is the pattern of a pine snake?

the pattern of a pine snake is rings

Which animal is posionous and feeds mainly at night?

it would be the brown snake for sure!

Is a king snake posionous?

No. King snakes are nonvenomous but they may still bite.

What is the rhyme for the red black yellow snake to know which is posionous?

"Red touching black is a friend of Jack, red touching yellow can kill a fellow." This refers to the red, black and yellow rings around the coral snake. If the yellow and red rings are touching, you have a coral snake. If the red and black rings are touching, you probably have one of 25 subspecies of the king snakes.

Give you a sentence with poisonous?

Snake venom, even in small amounts, can be extremely posionous.

What is the Difference between posionous and non posionous snakes?

well the real difference is that the snake with venom is dangerous and the non- venomous snake isn't dangerous depending on the size. although, pythons arent venomous some of them are quite large and can either burst a vien when they bite you or strangle you to death.

What kind of NJ pine barrens snake has black skin black tongue wraps self in a blueberry bush calm but withdraws very rapidly after a while?

Without pictures it is impossible to tell but all snakes are reclusive and will hide from a predator. No snake (save for possibly the black mamba) will chase down a predator. There are two species of black snakes in the pine barrens. The Northern Black Racer and Black Rat Snake. Both are nearly all black with white or light markings on their chin and throat. The Rat Snake is noticeably lighter in color on its underside.The Black Racer is typically a more aggressive snake than the Rat Snake but it will retreat as well when given the chance. As its name implies the Racer can move very quickly.

What is a black pine?

A black pine is any of a group of trees, including the European lack pine, the Japanese black pine, the Jeffrey pine, the matai or the miro.

What kind of snake is black and turquoise?

black snake

Are snake berries posionous?

Not sure, but someone on Yahoo Answers said she eats them.

Did Cleopatra let a posionous snake bite her?

No, that is just a myth. A poisonous snake bite is a very lingering and painful way to die and Cleopatra would never have chosen that way to make her exit.