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Q: Is a body plan a term used to describe an animals shape symmetry and internal organization?
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Related questions

What type of symmetry does a horse have?

Most animals will have a high level of right to left symmetry, or "Reflection Symmetry". Note, the symmetry isn't perfect as many of the internal organs only have a single organ and are arranged in a non-symmetric fashion.

What type of symmetry do chordates have?

I believe that chordates have bilateral symmetry but I'm not sure. Try looking at:

Body Symmetry of animals?

How can you identify the body symmetry of an animal

What are the advantages to bilateral symmetry?

those animals which are bilateral symmetrical are triploblastic and triploblasts are more successful and diplobalsts(radial symmetrical) due to their complex body organization

Is it true that animals with radial symmetry are more larger and more complex than animals with bilateral symmetry?


What animals has radial symmetry?

One animal that has radial symmetry is a sea sponge.

What are examples of radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry in animals?

Radial symmetry - jellyfish, starfish.Bilateral symmetry - horse, human

What animals have radical symmetry?

Not sure what you are referring to, "radical" symmetry. But if you meant radial symmetry then you might be looking at animals in the family with starfish, jellyfish, anemones, etc. There is also bilateral symmetry where both sides look the same. Look up radial symmetry and see what you can find.

What can you infer about an animal based on its symmetry?

you can tell if an animal have bilateral symmetry if you cut the animal in half, (hypothetically) and both sides are the same

What kind of symmetry to animals have if they have a dorsal ventral anterior and posterior?

they have diagonal symmetry and they have bilateral.

What ocean animal has radial body symmetry?

Jellyfish are ocean animals with radial symmetry.

What are two animals that have the same type of symmetry as the letter M?

There are many animals that have the same type of symmetry as the letter M. A frog for example has this.