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Q: Is a cell more complex than a viruses or less?
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Does virus makes the cell it is in produce more viruses?

Yes, viruses use the cell that it has invaded to produce more viruses.

Are viruses more complex than human cells?


A virus makes the cell it is in produce more viruses?

Of course it makes your cell it is produce more viruses only in a severe virus.

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What do viruses need to carry on?

Viruses need a host cell to be able to multiply. Once they get attached to the cell membrane or cell wall of a living cell, they can take it over and "make" the living cell produce virus particles instead of cell parts. These particles can assemble into more viruses and then they break out of the cell (killing it) and begin the process again. They cannot make more viruses on their own.

What are viruses hidden in?

Cells, they reproduce by invading a cell and using its functions to make more viruses, eventually killing a cell. That's why viruses are bad, and that where they "hide".

How do viruses affect your DNA?

They inject their DNA which infuses with a cell's DNA and tells the cell to start creating more viruses.

Do all viruses grow using sunlight and carbon dioxide?

Viruses do not "grow", much less use sunlight and carbon dioxide to develop. That is what plants do. Viruses enter a host cell, intergrate their DNA with its, and the host cell "builds" more parts of the virus, which assemble in masses, explode out of the cell, and go on to infect new host cells.

What viruses have Rna in their core rather than Dna?

They are called Rna viruses. Rna retro-viruses are a different and somewhat more complex matter.

Why do some scientists say that viruses are not alive?

Some scientists think that viruses are not living organisms due to how simple they are. Viruses are usually nothing more than a strand of genetic coding with a protein coat. This makes them far more simpler than the simplest of organisms that use the standard cell structure which is rather complex.

Why is it easier to study cell differentiation in a small organism than in larger more complex organisms?

smaller organisms are less complex and therefor easier and faster to study and analyze.

How do viruses affect cells and bacteria?

viruses latch onto a host cell and injects its own DNA into it, this DNA controls the cell and makes it produce more viruses inside the cell, when these are ready the burst out of the host cell killing it, and land on another cell