

Is a chewed bubble gum a solid?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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12y ago

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yes it is. The definition of a solid is a substance with a definite mass and volume and shape. A liquid has a definite mass and volume, but changes shape to fit that of it's container. A gas has a definite mass, but no definite shape or volume. While chewed bubble gum is a little amorphous, it is technically a solid because, while it does change shape a little, it does not continue to stretch itsef thin until it has reached the edges of it's container (i.e. the room you are in or the furthest reaches of your mouth). Also, the chewed gum has a definite shape, it is an ameboid shape, but it is a shape nontheless.

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Bubble gum was created in 1928 by inventor Walter E Diemer. Bubble gum is an elastic form of chewing gum, which has been chewed in different cultures and has no real birthplace.

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ova a 1000000

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Generally, when the gum has more sugar (or you have only chewed it for a short period of time), it is easier to blow a bubble. The gum isn't as tough.

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Don't know, Don't care, Get a life, and ask a reasonable question for once.=i have tryed and i have chewed like 2 packs of gum at once!=

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