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No, some single celled organisms, protists, generally, live in hypotonic solutions of fresh water and if they did not have a method to " bail " out this water their cell would burst. So the contractile vacuole, which has filament motive forces, fills with water and then contracts which squirts the water out of the cell.

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Q: Is a contractile vacuole a food passageway?
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What organelle helps move excess water?

A specific type of vacuole, called a contractile vacuole expels excess water from many fresh water protists.

What structure expels excess water in the amoeba?

The water content is expelled by the contractile vacuole.

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What has a contractile properties?

a contractile vacuole

How does amoeba gets rid of its waste?

Amoeba and many other creatures of the sort release their waste through the contractile vacuole . Amoeba have little feet, called pseudopod. When they eats, They engulf the food. It is then digested in the food vacuole, and released through the contractile vacuole.

Organelle that pumps water out of the cell?

The Contractile Vacoule.

How does an amoebae take in food?

its false feet (pseudopods) encircles the food and the membrane in contact dissolves to form a food vacuole. then the food is ejested through the contractile vacuole.

What are the parts of an ameoba?

Nucleus , cytoplasm , food vacuole , contractile vacuole ,pseudopodia , plasma membrane and other eukaryotic organelles .

Does amoeba have contractile vacuole?

No they do not have contractile vacuoles.

What organelle helps remove excess water?

It is Contractile Vacoule. Contractile Vacoule, a structure that collects the extra water and then expels it from the cell.

How does euglena dispose of wastes?

Beluga whales gets rid of its metabolic wastes through contractile vacuoles. The food is ingested into the body to form a food vacuoles. The food vacuole travels along the body where the required nutrients are absorbed. The remaining waste travels out of the body by means of a contractile vacuole.

How do euglena get rid of waste?

Euglena is a protozoon. Euglena gets rid of its metabolic wastes throung contractile vacuoles. The food is ingested into the body to form a food vacuoles. The food vacuole travels along the body where the required nutrients are absorbed. The remaining waste travels out of the body by means of a contractile vacuole.