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Generally, the divorce is legal once the decree has been issued.

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Q: Is a divorce legal if no papers were signed after the court date?
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Related questions

What if divorce papers sent are not signed by plaintiff?

Then you're NOT divorced. Both husband and wife MUST sign the divorce papers for the disillusion of marriage to be legal.

What can i do my husband signed divorce and custody papers from me by cheating?

The best thing to do is to seek legal counsel from an attorney .

When Court papers not signed by a judge?

If a judge has not signed court documents yet, they are not legally in use yet. Court documents are not legal until all parties and the judge have signed off on them.

Is there a legal time limit to record divorce papers?

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Are divorce papers legal if filed with the wrong name?

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Where can one get free divirce forms?

You can download and print free divorce papers from online divorce sites, these forms need to be reviewed and signed by a judge to make the divorce legal. When filing a petition you should fulfill the legal requirements of the state or country where you wish to file.

How can you get a divorce if your spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers in Missouri?

File a dissolution of marriage (divorce) petition in domestic court in the county in which you reside. If you do not wish to use an attorney or a legal representative, contact the office of the court clerk for specific information about forms and filing fees.

If you were never served with the divorce papers but the court granted your spouse a divorce by default are you legally divorced?

If you were never served the divorce papers but the court granted your spouse a divorce by default, the divorce may be considered valid depending on the laws in your jurisdiction. It is important to seek legal advice to understand your rights and options in this situation.

What does the concept of process serving do?

Process serving is an assortment of different tasks, such as filing court paperwork, serving people with legal documents such as divorce papers or court summons and retrieving required documentation.

Are your full custody papers from NY legal in NC courts?

Any court order that is signed and executed by the judge is valid in all 50 states

In Missouri can the attorney not file the signed divorce papers with the court if their fees have not been paid?

It depends on your retainer agreement. Usually attorneys would continue to provide you legal services and file paperwork with court and charge you interest on paid fees. If your retainer agreement states that the attorney would not file anything with court, specially the uncontested or final divorce papers untill all fees are paid than YEAH. Read your retainer agreement and make the necessary payment. If not look for a more reliable and understanding attorney for your needs.

Can you divorce a husband that's in prison?

Yes you can. The process is different because one individual is incarcerated and would not be able to attend the court precedings. You can send the divorce papers to them through the mail yourself or have it sent through a lawyers office as legal mail. The incarcerated individual would then sign the papers and send them back so that your can file the papers with the court and get your divorce.