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Q: Is a doctor limited to how long they can prescribe a medication?
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In what states can a PsyD prescribe medications?

None. A psychologist cannot prescribe medication. Within the United States one must be a medical doctor to prescribe medication. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor with a specialty in psychiatry and can prescribe medication for mental disorders, but requirements may vary from state to state.

Can a doctor prescribe for his own family?

In the U.S., yes, with the exception of controlled substances.

Medications for abnormal and long periods?

Your doctor will more prescribe you a certain type of birth control.

Can regular physicians prescribe methadone?

I believe a regular doctor can prescribe methadone for pain only,not for recovering addicts,for that its a methadone clinic,or some rehab programs.

How long does hydrocodone last to decrease pain?

You should consult your doctor and Pharmacist about any medication.

Should your mother who took six months Adefovir Dipivoxil as prescribed by her doc continue taking it in the time before her next doctors visit which is one more month?

That depends. Did the prescribing doctor tell her to only take the medication for six months? If he did not tell her to how long to take the medication, she should continue taking it until she speaks with her doctor. You should not cease taking a prescription medication without first consulting the prescribing doctor, unless that doctor tells you how long you should be taking the medication. A quick call to the prescribing doctor's office will help in your specific case.

Do fat burner tablets react with epilepsy medication?

There are many kinds of epilepsy medication and different kinds of epilepsy. A question such as yours can only be answered by a doctor. If you are on long term epilepsy medication, then always talk to your doctor if you are thinking of taking any other medications.

What is the effect of Naproxen on bone healing after surgery or fracture and what is the proper medication to be prescribed and for how long?

You can take some sort of steroidal medication for the healing of broken bones prescribed by your doctor

How long does it take for antiobiotics to reduce pain in a tooth infection?

Antibiotics reduce infection, not pain. If the dentist didn't prescribe any pain medication, you can take over-the-counter medication such as Moutrin, Aleve, Tylenol for pain. (I like Aleve because it also helps with the swelling.)

Can Psychoanalysts prescribe medicine?

In most countries, psychoanalysts are not licensed to prescribe medication. Psychiatrists, who are medical doctors specialized in mental health, have the authority to prescribe medication as part of their treatment approach.

You take about 20 percocet a day what will happen long term?

You are killing yourself! Your liver will not hold up! Plus, how do you function and what doctor would prescribe that much medicine?

What to remember you give prn?

When the patient is complainning of the symptoms that the medication relieves